Born in the wrong era? No. There is no wrong era.

the best is yet to come



away with thee!

physics was wonderful! whata way to end off the exams!
there were so many "qualitative"! and "explain"! and "define"! and basically wordy questions! with no numbers! that's the best part!
ernest's 1st law of exams
more word questions = more words = more smoke = more marks = more pass!
then i had a nice(this adjective is redundant) nap in the afternoon!
dinner was kallang western barbeque! mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm!
i actually wanted to eat yesterday. cos we had it on sunday and it was mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm!
but yesterday i eat mutton soup liao and nobody wanted to share a chicken cutlet with me. cos they all "full" lliao. :(
today i had the lamb chop cos sunday tried the chicken cutlet and chicken chop liao. conclusion: chicken cutlet nicer than lamb chop.
ms lee had chicken wings! gave me some. ^.^ quite wu hua, but i like still like chicken cutlet more.
dong shared with me some of his suan pan zi(first time i try. first time i heard also. okok la...)
then after that eat chee kueh! best. and we shared one big cup of long an...
ahhhhhhhhh. i am a happy man. if only to top it all off....
oh well.
then. they went to talk about anime and manga...sian.
means i had to go and do my *plug ears with fingers and "lalalalalalalalalalala"* thing. not bad la. i managed to catch almost nothing of what they said.
even if it means i go army then read.
even if it means i buy for my son then read.
even if it means i buy for my grandson then read.
even if it means my great grandson share with me on my death bed then read....
for how long. if i am not dead and they are not gone.

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