entering back into proper school life with lectures and all (still part of my break from the holidays),
a couple of things have happened.
the studyroom is now a warzone. or a post-war zone. complete with guns and swords.
(there's a rifle on my bed now in fact)
that war is the Battle of The June Common Tests. out of which i am certain i will not come unscathed.
i seriously need to clean this up...which i will...eventually.
there's also...a SAKAE SUSHI in my canteen!
they apparently revamped the canteen a bit. the most obvious addition is the sakae sushi.
which is fabulous.
not that i will buy anything from there, ever.
more business for them means less business for the other vendors which ultimately means...SHORTER QUEUES!
this rocks.
now p.e. also free period liao. yay. this means soccer or nothing.
today we played soccer! and i was late for lit. but nvm la, din miss much.
when asked to brain storm the "portrayal of men in p&p" for class group work,
i was the scribe and managed to draw an artist's impression of darcy while waiting for points to scribble. i honestly think it's quite good, though nobody else would agree with me...
and finally, yesterday i was woodsman teh again! i felt like i was frankie!
we had to chop down some branches from the tree at the back. which meant climbing and hacking! occasionally i sawed too. so fun! just take the chopper and massacre the branches. then when a huge one falls, you shout "TIMBER!". hurhurhur, so satisfying. and the tree can take both my weight and my dad's combined. it can prolly een take more than that. amazing. strong, yet flexible.
God, the incomparable engineer.
now my right wrist hurts tho, i may have strained it yesterday from the merciless hacking. but that's ok, it'll heal eventually. though slightly sooner than the study being cleand i hope.