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it's interesting when i think about how emotions can "well up".
i've felt it on numerous occasions, and i find that expression very fitting. almost as if it's a literal description.
you feel like you wanna burst as the emotion "wells up" within you.
sometimes it's unbearable too. like you need an outlet to release all that's inside.
it can be during a show...makes me wanna "rawwrrrrrr!". sometimes it makes me tear.
or when something makes me very glad. this is slightly different from happy. when the gladness wells up, it usually expresses itself in a huge grin.
when the happiness wells up, it expresses itself more in bombastic, needless, crazy actions than in grins. i can be grinning at the same time though.
of course there are those times when the welling up is the painful sort. painful words or painful realisations. in those instances, i usually wish that i could scream. but i can't. all i can manage is heavy sighs.
which is the most common to me? the one i experience the most?
haha, i'm not sure.
right now i'm hungry cos i haven't had my dinner. a welling up of hunger.
think i'll make a pie.

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