Born in the wrong era? No. There is no wrong era.

the best is yet to come




study leave has been reinstated.
good call esther.

i've learnt the art of surviving a day through skool without having to spend a cent!
step 1: eat whatever u can find at home before u go to skool.
step 2: bring bread.
step 3: eat bread when hungry(be sure to portion out the bread just so u dun run out)
step 4: Drink water after eating bread to expand whatever's in your stomach to lengthen time unhungry.
the best thing about this?
from the money i saved in skool today, i could buy me a combo 1 from long john!
happy eating as i took a slow walk home.

ahh. much happier than the lessons today...
gp was double period and i was in a terrible mood for gp.
asked to go toilet and went library along the way to surf the net...heh. went back a happier man. and in my absence he only covered one question from the compre! haven't finish going through even!

tomorrow is short day. woohoo.
time to sleep.

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