Born in the wrong era? No. There is no wrong era.

the best is yet to come




humans are foolish creatures.
we say things we don't mean and we do things that we don't want to. and sometimes it's just because of something as trivial as pride that we make such silly mistakes.
of course, to some, pride means all the world to them, but really, it does nobody any benefit when we are prideful.
alas, i am also human and am not exempt.
i am also prideful, foolish, and sometimes full of regret.
i want to avoid saying insensitive things that i don't mean.
when i do, in those times of folly, however, spout the nonsense that i am fully capable of, i can only ask that people be gracious and forgive me and be patient with me as i learn to be more humble.
i need a kick to the head sometimes, but i not flexible enough to reach my head.
or a flying kick to my head, but i can't detach my lower torso like buggy can...
so how...aiyah take the more painful route and figure out that i've done wrong loh!
chi, for a pretty smart guy i can be pretty dumb.

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