the weekend went poof!
and i've not written anything!
(duh.BECAUSE it poofed what...silly boy)
friday i saw shutter.
the...that scene..and that one...and that one..and..WAH....images burned in my brain liao..arrrr.
that evening i borrowed shutter, the others and finding neverland.
titles decided in decreasing shock intensity, with finding neverland having none whatsoever.
saw with some of the tfc ppl. erm, in retrospect, i'm not sure if it was a wise decision...tried to salvage the situation a bit, but still, if is a mistake then is a mistake loh.
got its good and bad la like i'm glad i got to spend time with them, but also not sure about some of the ideas that could've been conveyed to them. dong says it's ok if they can handle it...and he says it's not ok for me cos i can't.
"they can, but no more horror show for YOU(me)!"
ya la ya la, i got vivid imagination la...scared to bathe, scared to sleep in the dark alone, all my fault la. only now, 3 days later i abit more stabilised, but then again, maybe it's just because it's not dark yet...
anyway, i'll think about it a bit more and resolve to do it better next time ba...
so i slept less and bathed less after shutter.
which left me rather zombified on sat.
area meeting i observed something which i hope isn't what i think it is..heh. i'm thinking too much...i hope. and munzzz is gonna be a full-fledged papa soon! God willing of course. weehee! so cool! more kiddies to play with!
after that i was zonked for study time. buey tahan liao...needed to kun a bit, which i did. worked on memory work when i was awake cos i figured i could forget about understanding concepts with the mental state i was in then. good rest tho. even a little bit of napping does a lot when you're tired.
next was rehearsal liao.
was more awake by then, but either way, good thing i also dun need to do anything. waha!
getting the terrorist to learn to handle the sound system so that can have more people to do, then i can go and do other things also..
not bad la on sat. he did more or less everything, i just stood by and guided him. sun also he handle. next few rehearsals just need to supervise him a bit longer then i think should be good to go liao. see how it goes.
had a bit of a scare after the rehearsal cos mia went missing! and then 24 hours before, i JUST saw shutter!
at first still could laugh about it la, but after a while i got a bit worried. my vivd imagination working up again.
not so much that she turned into a ghost and vanished(that is too kua zhang le), but was worried something might have happened to her loh, like fall down and unconscious or kena kidnapped or what.
just see the things that we did to try and find look back is quite funny cos it was nothing in the end, which is a good thing.
but still, i can't help wondering...what if it wasn't so simple? what if something really happened? then what?
no guarantee that things will always be so simple, so better learn to handle things sensitively if ever got such things again in future..
so after that went for a simple dinner at parkway mac.
not too hungry, and i wasn't sure why tho.
ate a bit only.
the dinner was a largely cold one. erm. i'm referring to the jokes that made up the bulk of it. and that's not surprising considering the people involved.
i just sat at my corner and ate my fillet-o-fish while they entertained themselves...
going back was good tho. got to interact with the lees and learnt about how they viewed certain things. pleasantly surprised by how forthcoming they were too :)
went home and experienced the lingering shutter effect for the rest of the night until i fell asleep.
went church in the morning. by bus. arrived early.
waited for the terrorist to come and set things up for the morning rehearsal.
went toilet during the song before scripture reading.
came back and found that both mine and hnin phyu's rice bowl had been stolen. haha..
the terrorist was being a terror during class. glad that mr ong did something about it, cos otherwise i would have done it instead. and i think he did a better job than i would have done, so it's good.
didn't go bridging game yesterday. spent the time paying fines and thinking about radical stuff.
after that was off to dong's house before leaving for the wake.
looks like he's taking it ok. and he's done his own thinking, so that's good.
talked for a while before making a move.
reached home. heck the shutter liao. koed in no time.
heh. i think the effect's wearing off....
next: Alone!
kidding kidding.