Born in the wrong era? No. There is no wrong era.

the best is yet to come




i suspect that this "study" thing has greatly affected me physically.
my weight has increased by almost 2 kg.
my muscles are way 1/3 my previous pull-up strength.
am certain that my stamina would have decreased by leaps and bounds too.
my eczema is bugging me more.
my sleep hasn't been as good also...neckaches and whatnots.
i've been sneezing more the past few days also(and i'm quite sure it's not because 某某人 has been thinking of me)
got a headache now and the heat isn't helping.
and then i get these itches here and there. more than usual.
arrr... and ulcers, i got 2. the worst.
yes. by logical deduction, i attribute all these to my "studying".
it would bother me less if my "studying" actually got me better grades though...
it makes perfect sense.
quite probably the only reason why i'm not dead yet is because i've been eating more thai tom yam bowl noodles. and there's been less skool also.
if not then very likely i would've dropped dead on the street while walking home liao.
just a while more then...

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