Born in the wrong era? No. There is no wrong era.

the best is yet to come



is like that loh

sometimes people laugh at my jokes, so i guess that means that some of my jokes are funny.
people laugh at me too. that might make me a pretty funny guy.
there are times when it isn't even a joke. i could just make a passing remark and others could laugh at it.
or maybe i just happen to be among people who are easily amused.
like wj or milo.
they laugh at all sorts of things.
i hope people don't expect me to be funny though. cos sometimes i'm not.
i don't always have a "witty remark" or a "quick reply to insults", and others might think that something is wrong with me. maybe i'm thinking too much into it. but i do hope nobody compares me with others and thinks that i'm a funny man of some sort.
that's when it getes tiring.
when people have a certain impression of you(which may not be entirely true) and you know about it. sometimes i want to make people happy. want to see them laugh or smile. then i try and be funny. and sometimes they laugh. but to try and be someone i'm not is a tiring thing.
like when i have to be "youthful" around kids or something like that. to be entertaining 24/7 is a very hard thing to do.
that's why it's best when i can comfortably be myself and not worry about having to make other people feel comfortable too.
i only dunno how many people there are around me that are like that.

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