the ball not happy with me!
we were watching harry potty...goblet of fire.
harry fight with voldemort with wand power.
so cool when they cast fancy spells!
so i learn also loh...hehe
avada kedavra!
and with help from the ever-trusty wikipedia, i learnt even more spells..
EXPECTO PATRONUM(this is my favourite..but no link one..)
so, with my new found knowledge..i was spouting spells at the dinner table using a chopstick as my wand(it is actually a wand la..but i dun happen to want to kill my brother anytime soon using magic..so it seemed like my magic can't work. actually can one..)
my folks mocked me..say my spells dun work.
as for the ball tho..he was the recipient of most of my spells...and my repeated casting seemed to piss him off...
my last spell on him worked...confringo.
his anger exploded.
he took my wand and started poking me!
weak me fell to the floor as a result...
then my dad say him abit. then he say they say him never say me...(because my spells never work ma so nothing to say.)
then after that i dun feel like playing liao. chi.
eat finish and went back to doing maths.
nobody to cast spells on lidat if the ball dun wanna play!!