Born in the wrong era? No. There is no wrong era.

the best is yet to come



chase the wind

it's amazing eh?
my geeky specky-clad friend from secondary skool is still my friend.
only...he's not geeky anymore.
but he's still specky-clad though.
and, oh yah...he smokes, clubs on a regular basis, drives to work without a license, burns rubber into the wee hours of the night, drinks alot, has more ex-girlfriends than he can remember, and vomits where he pleases.
haha, and we're still friends!
mr hippie-socialite-incarnate and mr embodiment-of-everything-obiang...
i cannot explain his actions. (his "actions" as in why we're friends. the aforementioned list of hedonistic practices i attribute to sin. that's pretty clear)

we live our lives doing this and that and that and this to do this and this and that and that so that we can do this and that and that until we finally can do that and this, by which time...heh.
we're so busy, sometimes we don't even have time to think about what we're being so busy for. maybe we don't know what to be busy for. so we make ourselves busy so we don't have to realise that we don't know.
i think it's wake up one day and realise that your life has slipped you by and that it has counted for nothing but selfish pursuits. meaningless pursuits...a meaningless life.

by God's grace,
some of us are made aware of our mundane existence.
by God's grace,
some of us are redeemed from our mundane existence to lead a life that is principled and purposeful.
by God's grace,
some of us are used in the waking of others from their mundane existence, so that they may have LIFE, and LIFE in FULL.

i think...the day will come when my specky-clad friend will realise that the pleasures of this world cannot fill the void in his soul. because i believe it to be the truth that man was made for God and that creation shouts it out to us plainly.i wish to be there when that time comes. i wish for that time to come.

i pray that my specky-clad friend will be given grace, and that i, too, will be given grace...

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