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reality check

:)two reality checks.

was surfing the web for movies to consider renting in future.
heard a fly at my ear so i swept my hand at it.
felt a sharp pain at my finger. turned out to be a bee.
saw the sting in my finger.
i'd been stung.

plucked out the sting. headed downstairs for elder advice. heh. elders were clueless. panic ensued. lina presses my finger. ah kong gives me miracle medicine(which wasn't actually appropriate). ah ma frets. i say "why not go doc?". they agree and get ready to leave.

then. i feel faint. vision starts to blur.
blur gets worse. i head to chair to sit. i sit.
no improvement. heavier breathing. eyes wanna close but i don't close them.
lina says i look yellow. felt like vommiting a bit.

i tell lina to call pama, so she calls and passes me phone.
i explain the situation to them, then they tell me they'll be back in abt 10 mins.
i start to feel better. my vision clears and i breathed easier, didn't feel so light headed too.
ah ma was ready to go so we head out to get a cab.

cabs were hard to get and eventually pama reaches back. so we head for doc. i tell them not to kan cheong.

reach the doc.
mama asks for a flu vaccine(for herself). haha!
then says i got stung.
we then got in line. only 1 person before us.
go see doc.

doc says first sting no allergy no prob. usually the case.
but allergies may develop from next sting onwards. allergies like bad swelling of hand, swelling of lungs, and, the fatal one, swelling of throat. can be from bee or wasp or whatever, so gotta be careful.

mama asks what to do in that case.
doc says go hospital quick. or may die.
they possibly will use a "pen"(or so i recall him saying so)-thingy.
some little injection device. jab into thigh and gives a dose of adrenalin(i think. he got mention adrenaline la. that i'm sure)

me: " in the rock issit?"
doc: "the rock that one is nonsense. you jab into your heart u die."(very matter-of-factly)
me: "haha!"

:) simple painkillers and anti-inflammatory pills end the whole adventure...along with a mushroom swiss meal upsize. haha!

the two reality checks?

1. Life is fragile: if God wanted me dead, He could do it easily. like by a bee. and i'd be

2. Movies are fake: duh.

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