Born in the wrong era? No. There is no wrong era.

the best is yet to come




fbb moment 1

(i'm playing chess on the comp)
sbb: you wanna play chess?
fbb: i don't know how to play...
sbb: you know what..
fbb: i don't! you know i didn't know got this thing called towering?
sbb: ....castling. it's called castling. there is no towering...haha.

fbb moment 2

(he's looking at the chocs i got from australia)
fbb: so which one can i eat?
(i'm playing chess still...and losing)
sbb: wait later i tell you.
fbb: how come all of them all chocolate coated marshmallow?
sbb: not all what..
fbb: then how come this polly waffle and chokito only got one? never buy more...
sbb: because those is i bought to eat there one but forgot..
fbb: oh. ok good, then i can eat now.

fbb moment 3

(i just lost at chess)
fbb: so which one can i eat? you haven't tell me yet.
sbb: ARGH! stupid mistake!! i lost!! 2 rounds le...
fbb: awwww...too bad(mockingly). so what does that say about you huh? hmmm.....?
sbb: ...
(before i can make any reply)
fbb: i wonder why the chocolate doesn't melt..
sbb: haha!
fbb: why you laugh? because all i think about is food?
sbb: haha, ya.
fbb: which one can i eat?

fbb moment 4

(a while later...I'm still playing chess)
fbb: so which one can i eat?

fbb is fbb la huh?

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