Born in the wrong era? No. There is no wrong era.
the best is yet to come
played with martin just now.
i like playing with martin.
partly because
i like the freedom i have in playing with him without having people tell me that i am being childish like it's something bad.
i also like the opportunity to be creative in the way i think up new things to play to entertain him(and myself)
lastly i also like it when i know that i've made a connection with him.
sometimes u talk to him and you dunno if he get's what u're saying.
but sometimes u talk to him and he responds. and u're happy.
and more rubbish from the rubbish can.
yesterday i was a at plaza sing.
and i was just killing some time after meeting polar.
happened to just be wandering around some random shops.
and then i came to this one shop:
gaming era.
and then i saw it.
i saw the ps3.
not a ps3.
mind you,
not "a" ps3.
not "A" mere ps3.
not any of the above.
i saw THE ps3.
the same one that i set my eyes upon many months ago.
this was
"THE" ps3.
this was the ps3 whose existence was enough to give it its significance.
other ps3's, other MEDIOCRE ps3's(though this is ironic because in themselves, "mediocre" ps3's were in no way "mediocre" at all) had their significance in games. had their significance in "A" game.
other ps3's existed so that mgs4 could be played on them.
ah, but this ps3.
this was different.
this ps3 existed simply so it could exist.
this ps3 existed simply so that fanboys, aye, crazy fanatics, like myself could drool buckets just staring at it.
this was the mgs4 ps3.
the HIGHLY COVETED mgs4 ps3.
though not as highly coveted as
THE HIGHLY COVETED MGS4 PS3(that one is out of the reach of mere peons such as myself)
this was the very limited edition, very beautiful, very under powered, very desirable, very over-priced ps3....
...that i wanted.
that i almost got.
that i decided not to get.
because my money can be better spent elsewhere(or so i try to convince myself)
..........maybe next time i get.
Merry Christmas
so today is christmas day.
and what a christmas day it is.
quite an unexpected one eh?
but today,
this christmas day,
though unlike many other days,(quite very unlike)
yet still like every other day,
is a day,
when we must all give thanks to God.
because whatever it is,
whatever may happen,
God is worthy of praise.
and forevermore.
to God be the glory forever and ever.
listers, lists, and a lister
so here we have stuff magazine coming up with THEIR list of the 50 greatest games ever.
and this is what we got
1. half life 2
2. legend of zelda: ocarina of time
3. final fantasy 7
4. golden eye 007
5. super mario world
6. asteroids
7. sonic the hedgehog
8. doom
9. gta 3
10. turrican 3
11. pac-man
12. metal slug
13. guitar hero
14. halo: combat evolved
15. gran turismo 3 a-spec
16. quake 3
17. fifa football
18. super mario 64
19. speedball 2
20. galaga
21. leisure suit larry
22. pro evolution soccer 4
23. super mario galaxy
24. lemmings
25. space invaders
26. tetris
27. street fighter 2
28. wii sports
29. the sims
30. pga tour golf
31. call of duty 4
32. warhammer 40,000
33. god of war
34. wipeout
35. simcity
36. pong
37. tomb raider
38. bioshock
39. galaxian
40. r-type
41. bubble bobble
42. motorstorm
43. patapon
44. star wars:x-wing
45. deus ex
46. shenmue
47. world of warcraft
48. diablo
49. chase hq
50. resident evil 4
now here's what I have to say:
gadget magazines write about gadgets. NOT GAMES!
this list has so many games that shouldn't be in it!!!
they could've just said that these are THEIR 50 favourite games, or add some disclaimer or something la...whatever la!
just say something to discredit the authority of this list! cos this list is WRONG!!!!
here's what should NOT be inside.
i admit i'm no professional game critic, but whatever the case, THESE are games that no self-respecting lay-man gamer should accept in a top 50 list.
here's my list of games that shouldn't be there.
1. half life 2
2. legend of zelda: ocarina of time
3. final fantasy 7
4. golden eye 007
5. super mario world
6. asteroids
7. sonic the hedgehog
8. doom
9. gta 3
10. turrican 3
11. pac-man
12. metal slug
13. guitar hero
14. halo: combat evolved
15. gran turismo 3 a-spec
16. quake 3
17. fifa football
18. super mario 64
19. speedball 2
20. galaga
21. leisure suit larry
22. pro evolution soccer 4
23. super mario galaxy
24. lemmings
25. space invaders
26. tetris
27. street fighter 2
28. wii sports
29. the sims
30. pga tour golf
31. call of duty 4
32. warhammer 40,000
33. god of war
34. wipeout
35. simcity
36. pong
37. tomb raider
38. bioshock
39. galaxian
40. r-type
41. bubble bobble
42. motorstorm
43. patapon
44. star wars:x-wing
45. deus ex
46. shenmue
47. world of warcraft
48. diablo
49. chase hq
50. resident evil 4
kidding la....not saying all the games are lousy la.
hehe. but here's the real list of games that should be excluded.
4. golden eye 007
10. turrican 3
17. fifa football
20. galaga
21. leisure suit larry
23. super mario galaxy
32. warhammer 40,000
33. god of war
37. tomb raider
39. galaxian
42. motorstorm
44. star wars:x-wing
45. deus ex
47. world of warcraft
49. chase hq
50. resident evil 4
naturally, now that i've listed what shouldn't be insde, let me chu MY(imho of course) list of games that i think SHOULD be included.(and let me inject some side comments every now and then too ba)
2. castlevania
3. tekken
4. king of fighters
5. command and conquer
6. resident evil
7. ico
8. devil may cry
9. gears of war
10. locco rocco
11. star craft
12. pokemon
13. time crisis
14. ace combat
15. ratchet and clank
16. civilisation
agar agar la.
so there u have it.
now that i've ranted enough, i can finally get back to normal life.
my lower back hurts.
my feet hurt.
my shoulders hurt.
my fingers hurt.
my shins hurt.
my butt hurts.
my arms hurt.
my toes hurt.
my thighs hurt.
i've got 13 more hours left to go.
my heart hurts....
faster finish....
do u dig it?
ok, i think i get it.
now in plays there are always the beggars and jesters and clowns and fools who exist for comic relief. kind of a release of tension in tragedies and a staple for comedies.
then there's that chap shakespeare who says that all the world's a stage and that the rest of us are all just players.
so it all makes sense to me now.
on this stage that is the world,
i am the clown!
i'm the guy that's always the butt of the joke, the object of ridicule, the disregarded.
clowns have minor roles, i suppose. and clowns are usually alone. we are the solitary figures that appear when least wanted and talk the most rubbish.
we are not taken seriously! a. joke!
bacchus banquet.
the more i shout the less people bother about me!
the rise, the reign and the return of the box...woohoo!
one fine day sometime in 1999, a playstation entered the teh household.
they were still living in cascadale then.
but little is remembered of the days when the little grey box sat there in that apartment. sure, it had its stints with the kids, had its run ins with the uncles whenever they came...but it remained as just a little grey box then. insignificant and barely noticed. hardly appreciated.
those were the days of horned owl and adidas power soccer and pandemonium....
however, all that changed when the tehs moved to tampines...
it all happened that one fateful night.
everybody was over at uncle lennox's house, nobody remembers for what.
i remember the deep 4 metre frightened me.
i also remember metal gear solid.
yes, it had to boil down to this again didn't it?
metal gear solid. uncle lennox had it on the playstation and he asked little ernie if he wanted to try...
"sure. why not?", i thought to myself then...
i found it kind of weird that you couldn't jump in the game. but that didn't matter. a few rounds of vr training and the opening sequence was all that it took to make little ol' impressionable me fall in love with the game.
that sealed it.
from that day on, that little grey box became....
THE little grey box.
after metal gear solid, everything else just fell into place.
the great games started showing up one after the other.
megaman legends, final fantasy 7, front mission3, army men 3d, medal of honour...etc
but as with all great consoles...we all knew that one day,
THE little grey box will be no more.
was it to end there? was nothing to come after it? did that spell the end of little ol' ernie's adventures with THE little grey box?
it seems fate had other things in mind, for his adventures were all but far from over.
from beneath the ashes of THE little grey box came....
(with enthusiasm exceeding that of THE little grey box's when it first entered the teh household...)
THE not-so-little black box!
and thus began the age(and the reign) of the mighty ps2!
yes. those were glorious days indeed.
i remember the first few games that came along with it back from kl...oni and fur fighters.
moderately entertaing games...
nothing is heard of them now.
"it" came shortly after them and they were soon relegated to the shadows of "it"
i spent many hours on "it"...many fun hours of my life....immersed in the world of "it"
yes. what a marvel it was to behold "it" when "it" was first released. how "it" had me hooked...
what else could "it" be but metal gear solid? TWO.
finally mgs2 had arrived.
the game that made the ps2 necessary to have. the reason the ps2 EXISTED was so mgs2 could be played on it(and then after that so mgs3 could be played as well)
the ps2's proudest moments were undoubtedly proud. often outshining the original little grey box on so many counts.
beautiful games like ico and shadow of the colossus made their debut on the ps2. exciting games like ratchet and clank and jak and daxter and devil may cry and onimusha and tenchu and zone of the enders the list goes on and on and on.
it was the undisputed king, the ps2 was.
however i will not forget the days of THE little grey box. no sireee bob, not a chance i will forget that little grey box.
for in my heart, nothing can replace mgs and ff7.
brilliant as games have been since the days of 32 bit.
nothing has so enthralled me like mgs and ff7. i have been enthralled, yes. but not like it was with those games, no....never.
ah, but alas! yet again, even the mighty monolith that was the ps2 could not withstand the sands of time, and the reign of the ps2 came to an end a couple of years ago. utterly inevitable, that it was.
next-gen consoles entered the market and the days of the not-so-little black box were no more.
(although it must be said that still, now, there are a remnant of ps2 faithfuls playing games on that black box. i would definitely be among them were it not for MY black box being in the house of another at this point in time(do you hear me mslee?))
in this era of next-gen consoles however, it seems the 3rd incarnation of the playstation, the playstation 3(now a big black rounded box thing) couldn't keep up with the competition. no longer the invincible powerhouse it was before.
the 360 was the first to enter the market and that meant that it drew first blood, getting months of market mononpoly until the other consoles were released.
the wii on the other hand, though coming out later(and sounding remotely obscene), appealed extensively to the masses and flew off the shelves faster than anything that had come before it.
the ps3 though...ah, it had a humble beginning.
barely making any waves when it first arrived, it almost seemed as if nobody gave a hoot about the ps3.
well. things are finally changing... more games are being released. reviews are picking up. the sheer power of mgs4 and gta4 alone on the ps3 helped sales greatly.
but still, nobody can deny, the ps3 is behind the other 2 consoles in terms of sales. for how much longer? nobody knows.
but you know what?
i don't care.
the ps3 can lose the console wars for all i care.
the games can be lousy.
the graphics can be under par.
for have i not proven myself to be a ps and mgs faithful?
and now in the attic i have a big black rounded box thing waiting to be played.
and i could care less if others insist that the ps3 is inferior.
sell my ps3 for a 360 to play gears of war and halo?
bah! not on my life!
and to the "enlightened" few that did make the silly decision of selling their ps3 for the white box from the states, here's all i've got to say:
in the end, i guess i'm still a console gamer at heart.
nothing like a good game to while the hours of my life away....heh.
i wan....
haha i did this for fun. This entire post was done on the ps3.
And now it's time to sleep. Heh. Maybe should invest in a keyboard. Ahhhhhhhh. See how la.
i am too simple minded la
ya. i am too simple minded.
but anyway, i just want to say that i like pockets very much.
like how i really loved the fact that since secondary school, my uniforms have all had shirt pockets for me to put a pen and my ezlink card and whateverothernots i may have. army lagi best got 4 pockets on the shirt and 6 pockets on the pants, making up to a whopping 10 pockets. and that isn't even counting lbv. waha!
now, although i like pockets i must also say that there are also things that i don't like about them. which is also the reason why not all my shorts and shirts have pockets(although they are generally appreciated when they do).
i have a small build and i like to be light and free. which is why i am strongly in favour of shorts, slippers and t-shirts. obviously i also strongly believe that in a country like singapore, people shouldn't bother with shoes and pants and shirts. but of course, also quite obviously, nobody gives a hoot about that opinion.
but that's besides the point anyway.
with pockets it means that either the material is stiffer and/or thicker so that the pocket can carry the chapalangs or there is simply just more material. either way, this adds to the weight of the clothing and makes it heavier and harder to move around in. which is usually the reason why i dun like and dun have so many pcketed clothing.
however pockets are very welcomed when they are on clothes that will not require me to move around much or quickly.
pockets are also very welcomed when it is pocket fighter.
erm ya, simple minded....
saw something i shouldn't have....
just came back from bob's place.
haha, have been going over more often recently.
maybe cos he ord/ed/ing soon. or maybe cos my camp nearer now. or maybe cos i have more time and freedom with my increase in rank. or maybe with the ps3, we have more things to talk about. or whatever la.
all this started with the ps3 leh. hmmm. after i got it it kinda helped me to link up with friends again. it's those kind of thing where now can use it as a conversation starter u know?
i remember reading or hearing somewhere before that guys bond over activities. girls can just get together and start yakking away. actually i like to sit and just talk, but i guess the activity kind of breaks the pre-talk awkwardness kindof.
hmmm. or maybe we just like to play more la.
just now played halo3 and tried a demo of dead space and of course played the usual gears of war 2...
dead space quite impressive leh. but dunno if i can really play it. not used to the genre. but was fun while it lasted. anyway i kept dying.
gears of war was fun. haha we just play around with the multi player...
actually i wanted to play guitar heroes abit also. was quite fun the last time i tried and it reminds me of a glorified hd version of dj max on a home console. heh. just feel like maxing a bit.
next time shld jio him over more too. heh.
10 movies i'd like to own
dvd or blu ray or whatever
(actually only got these 2. haha "soft copy" not counted. "own" means can touch one)
1. dark knight
2. shawshank redemption
3. american gangster
4. gladiator
5. leon
6. v for vendetta
7. the matrix
8. wanted
9. the prestige
10. se7en
i've not listed in a while i think.
here's a list of games to buy eventually:
1. the last guy
2. puzzle fighter hd(edit: bought le so now is prince of persia)
3. valkriya chronicles
4. fallout 3
5. resistance 2
6. echochrome
7. resident evil 5
8. bionic commando rearmed(edit: this also bought le so now is ratchet and clank)
9. PES
10. dead space
so pretty..
sunday was a happy day for me because i got a florida's natural ez-link sticker after i bought two florida's natural bottled drinks. then i pasted the sticker onto the back of my camp pass nicely and now it is the envy of the enitre armed forces. i think there may be some people who will want to steal my camp pass from now on.
however having my camp pass will do them no good because the picture on it is me and they have no use scanning my card. i guess the sticker's gonna stay until i ord!
:) yay.