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i am too simple minded la

ya. i am too simple minded.
but anyway, i just want to say that i like pockets very much.
like how i really loved the fact that since secondary school, my uniforms have all had shirt pockets for me to put a pen and my ezlink card and whateverothernots i may have. army lagi best got 4 pockets on the shirt and 6 pockets on the pants, making up to a whopping 10 pockets. and that isn't even counting lbv. waha!
now, although i like pockets i must also say that there are also things that i don't like about them. which is also the reason why not all my shorts and shirts have pockets(although they are generally appreciated when they do).
i have a small build and i like to be light and free. which is why i am strongly in favour of shorts, slippers and t-shirts. obviously i also strongly believe that in a country like singapore, people shouldn't bother with shoes and pants and shirts. but of course, also quite obviously, nobody gives a hoot about that opinion.
but that's besides the point anyway.
with pockets it means that either the material is stiffer and/or thicker so that the pocket can carry the chapalangs or there is simply just more material. either way, this adds to the weight of the clothing and makes it heavier and harder to move around in. which is usually the reason why i dun like and dun have so many pcketed clothing.
however pockets are very welcomed when they are on clothes that will not require me to move around much or quickly.
pockets are also very welcomed when it is pocket fighter.
erm ya, simple minded....

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