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wrong way wround

ok, so let's try to prove God's existence scientifically.
oh wait, we can't.
how could i possibly conduct a series of experiments to deduce that a supernatural being exists?

eh, firstly my science not say very good la...c for chem and p for physics. i mean d.
so to ask me to do something so scientific is a bad mistake. not that it is a lousy mistake in that it is a sound choice. i mean it is mistake that is very very bad in the mistake-ish sort of way.
the secondly, even if my science was good like triple A's in a very kb-esque sort of way, it still wouldn't make a difference cos nobody can prove God's existence scientifically just like how nobody can prove what the gravitational constant is simply by looking at the force between two planets(er, is this example even valid? i dunno man. see? told you is bad mistake to tell me to do science... (anyway, that's besides the point))

how about i ask it this way,
"can we prove science scientifically?"
in asking to prove God, we're trying to find some cause and effect for God.
then, how about a cause and effect for science?
eh, what causes science to believe in cause and effect?
i mean, what is the reason behind our assumption in science that whatever "was" yesterday, "is" today?
how can we assume that what was true yesterday is still true today?
just because something has been happening the same way for the past few centuries means that it won't change tomorrow? why? we observe a pattern and assume our deduction to be the truth.

"it's just like that" some scientists will say.
then why can't God also be "just like that"?

nono. God's gotta be proved.

ok now let me try to turn it around.
Let's "prove" God theologically.
and then let's prove science theologically.

God exists because He just is.
God is orderly because He just is.
Creation is ordered because God made it so and sustains it so.
Science is ordered because and orderly God made creation so and science along with it so.
hence, science now can believe in its cause and effect because it too is cause and effect.
God being the cause and science being the effect.
science being the effect of God does not cause God to be under the same influence of this "cause and effect" thingy. hence, cause and effect need not apply to God in the same way apart from the fact that God's so-called "cause" is Himself.

what the heck la. God is the cause of everything else la. everything that is exists and has its being in God. logic and science flow out of his being.

so, similarly(i think), if i knew the gravitational constant. i now can prove the force between two planets to be such and such.
erh. ya.

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