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scoops on a scandal

i overheard this business plan by 2 very questionable entrepreneurs...
these 2 business men want to open a video rental shop in future.
only, all their dvds will be spoilt.
so when people borrow their dvds, the customers will realise that the dvds can't be watched and they will go back to ask for a replacement.
here's the plan, the shop will then say that the customer spoilt the dvd and will ask for compensation.
if the customer doesn't report the disc as spoilt, the shop will simply test the dvd, say that it is spoilt and ask for compensation anyway.
so money will come from both rental and compensation!
brilliant business plan. good thing i was there to eavesdrop and put an end to this scam.
scandal uncovered!
do NOT patronise this shop ever in future.
the businessmen involved are thaddeus chan and phua wee long.
beware of these frauds...

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