Born in the wrong era? No. There is no wrong era.
the best is yet to come
i wanna watch video games live.
i wanna watch oasis again.
i wanna watch the killers.
i wanna watch cirque du soleil.
i wanna watch coldplay.
i wanna watch les mis.
and i wanna watch the reduced shakespeare company. haha
hmmm...? what is thsi black furry patch hmmmm...? ohhhh mannnnnn...... noooooooo.......
my nice new super absorbent super quick dry yellow arena towel grew mould.
just cause i dunno how to take care of it it grow mould!
the instructions also not clear.....
but i dun wan to throw.... is so nice....
oh man....
how now brown cow..
ps3 slim
the new ps3 slim (i.e. the new ps3)
new schmew...
so it's just 30% smaller in weight and size.
big deal. prolly more expensive.
the words look nicer though...
and then there's the "real" buttons now...
but seems like the new one's got a slower processor..
bah! but it's not gun metal
and i could care less about it.
raining now
rainbows and mud
yesterday was lydia's 21st birthday party.
and the theme was rainbows.
haha, my first ever party! ok no lah not first. now that i think about it, it's my second.
i went for yvonne's party a while back too. haha.
bu anyway, when she send the sms, i was thinking...
"hmmm, so wear what huh? can wear my usual rubbish clothes or issit some atas thing?"
in the end i tried not to dress to shabbily....but guess it wasn't good enough eh?
went as brown cos brown is technically a rainbow colour cos i figure every colour exists somewhere in the rainbow, if not the distinct ones then the ones inbetween the distinct ones.
but well, turns out i was the muddddd more than the rainbow huh... i'm the mud that comes about when it rains that will bring the rainbow. haha.
everybody wear nice nice loh. the girls wear pretty pretty and the guys wear handsum handsum and i look at them and think....
"hmmmm, they look nice in their fancy clothes....but i kinda skpiied that stage in my life huh?"
heh. "skipped" is right eh?
kind of the age when you learn to dress up you know? from upper sec right til before you're middle-aged?
the age when u try to be hip and happening and wear socially accepted clothing and style your hair and buy and don accecessories and buy trendy clothes and slip on snazzy shoes. hah. i jumped straight from primary skool ginna to retiree cant-be-bothered-ness. what happened to that bit inbetween kind of got lost to neverwear ba.
neverwear is the parallel universe to neverwhere where all the trendy fashion sense in people go to after they pass the age.
either that or all my trendiness got lost in my brother, the ball. maybe he took all mytrendy genes.
which would explain his inexplicable incomprehensible trendiness at such a young age.
so, erh.....maybe some people would just like to be mudd with me?
those people who just cant be bothered to be the rain or the rainbow. just join the mudddddmen. it's alot easier.
just that you feel kinda out of place when you're with the rest of rainbow society i guess.
but that's the price to pay for a cheap and ugly wardrobe huh?
maybe i should get invited to parties more. can observe this again....
my secret
those imps sure put up a strong resistance on the marberry coastline!
still, our forces managed to sweep through and wipe them out thanks to innovative use of the smoke screen rounds...
however our victory was short-lived as we lost one of our dearest comrades to a stray bullet soon after we captured the enemy camp.
chi. we're going to make them pay....that's for sure!
the captain's been nice though...guess she wants us to stop dwelling on the loss and remember what we're fighting for.
that's why our last scrap with the enemy was back in bruhl....
yes, bruhl, the home we left 5 months ago.
with the new inclusion of the shamrock, the enemy didn't stand a chance. i'd almost call it the perfect demonstration blitzkrieg. they didn't even know what hit them.
though now it seems that after these minor victories one after the other, the empire's getting impatient.
intel informs us that there's going to be a major clash on the naggiar plains.
probably one of the biggest battles yet...
one that will claim many lives...even possibly mine.
i've cheated death on numerous occasions..but for how long will i be able to continue doing so? i fear the worst. not just for myself but for the squad too...
i can only hope that no one get badly wounded in this battle...
guess we'll have to see what tomorrow holds...
but for now, i think i shall retire to my bed to rest up for the night and for the battle to come...
list of movies
now, i am the happy owner of
the shawshank redemption(blu-ray)
the curious case of benjamin button(blu-ray)
ip man(dvd)
taken(dvd) happy to see these titles in me cabinet free from the curse of the late return fines of video shops.
other shows that i would like to have
(the definitive list(haha, is that word used right?), as in i try to keep the list as short as possible. kind of like a top ten, but cant fit into ten so i just put what i want la.)
this is like...THE list of shows le. if i had to limit my life to just a few shows, these would be them, along with the above list of course(they are part of the collection).
1. a frank darabont show - shawshank redemption.
2. a david fincher show - benjamin button. (over se7en(over fight club) cos i think benjamin button is more beautiful)
3. a ridley scott show - gladiator. (over american gangster cos gladiator has the "rawwwwwr!" feel)
4. a "stylish" show - the matrix (i don't know any show more stylish than the original(hah, maybe that's overated. what the heck.)
(chose this over v for vendetta and wanted, simply cos it's earlier. i would like the other 2 just as well.)
5. an animated film - up (because it's the first animated film that made me cry)(i would choose shrek for laughs though..haha)
6. a christopher nolan show - the dark knight (over the prestige(this was a hard decision) because heath ledger is the joker)
7. a luc besson show - leon: the professional (taken dun really count cos he din direct. and cos i wan taken on the list too. hehe)
8. an imba english show - taken. (haha! who else is as imba as bryan mills(apart from ip man...that's why he's next)? maybe jason
bourne. almost. or maybe tom stall.)
9. an imba chinese show - ip man. (haha! the chinese counterpart of bryan mills)
10. a world war 2(fighting) show - saving private ryan.
11. a world war 2(non-fighting) show - life is beautiful(over schindler's list because this show had laughter. maybe on other days
i'd choose schindler's list)
12. a samurai show(which also happens to be a yoji yamada show) - love and honour(over twilight samurai over hidden blade, but all still good)
13. a clint eastwood show - gran torino (because he sings! (over mystic river over letters over million dollar baby))
14. a crime show - se7en (over mystic river over collateral over the usual suspects over l.a. confidential cos it's grittier)
15. a happy show - forest gump!
16. a gangster show - still undecided cos too many good ones and too many unwatched. shucks.
17. a triad show - ditto
18. a jap show - depatures (over love letter over be with you(haha, actually cant decide...but themes different la))
19. an anime - a ghibli show (cos all are good. just get a collection la. haha. but if must choose, grave of the fireflies for serious show, akira for sci-fi, and whisper of the heart for light hearted(tsuiokuhen dun count cos it's not a movie per se))
ok. that sort of covers it. for now. haha.
pls note if you ever have no idea what to get me for my birthday, pls just refer to this list.
just dun tell me u referred to this list is all.
otherwise just head on down to and buy me something and i will be very glad indeed. :)
now, time to storm the shores of marberry.
shows watched this year
not in chronological order.
ip man. curious case of benjamin button. slum dog millionaire. transformers 1 and 2. traitor. x-men origins: wolverine. taken. fast and furious 4. coach carter. the bucket list. the hitchhikers guide to the universe. the departed. backdraft. taxi driver. taxi 2. rocknrolla. the assasination of jesse james by the coward robert ford. gran torino. finding neverland. the boy in the striped pyjamas. the nightmare before christmas. corpse bride. valkyrie. crows zero. chicago. willy wonka. 3 good men. star trek. detroit metal city. the green mile. penelope. thank you for smoking. mean girls. philadelphia. donnie darko. black hawk down. in bruges. kingdom of heaven. we were soldiers. shake hands with the devil. school of rock. doubt. up. miami vice. the diving bell and the butterfly. wasabi. boy a.
48 full movies
:) i average 6 shows a month.... a first for me, hehe.
2 shows i watch halfway and didn't complete...not in the above list are: goodfellas, l.a confidential
faster finish them and can add to the list!