yesterday was lydia's 21st birthday party.
and the theme was rainbows.
haha, my first ever party! ok no lah not first. now that i think about it, it's my second.
i went for yvonne's party a while back too. haha.
bu anyway, when she send the sms, i was thinking...
"hmmm, so wear what huh? can wear my usual rubbish clothes or issit some atas thing?"
in the end i tried not to dress to shabbily....but guess it wasn't good enough eh?
went as brown cos brown is technically a rainbow colour cos i figure every colour exists somewhere in the rainbow, if not the distinct ones then the ones inbetween the distinct ones.
but well, turns out i was the muddddd more than the rainbow huh... i'm the mud that comes about when it rains that will bring the rainbow. haha.
everybody wear nice nice loh. the girls wear pretty pretty and the guys wear handsum handsum and i look at them and think....
"hmmmm, they look nice in their fancy clothes....but i kinda skpiied that stage in my life huh?"
heh. "skipped" is right eh?
kind of the age when you learn to dress up you know? from upper sec right til before you're middle-aged?
the age when u try to be hip and happening and wear socially accepted clothing and style your hair and buy and don accecessories and buy trendy clothes and slip on snazzy shoes. hah. i jumped straight from primary skool ginna to retiree cant-be-bothered-ness. what happened to that bit inbetween kind of got lost to neverwear ba.
neverwear is the parallel universe to neverwhere where all the trendy fashion sense in people go to after they pass the age.
either that or all my trendiness got lost in my brother, the ball. maybe he took all mytrendy genes.
which would explain his inexplicable incomprehensible trendiness at such a young age.
so, erh.....maybe some people would just like to be mudd with me?
those people who just cant be bothered to be the rain or the rainbow. just join the mudddddmen. it's alot easier.
just that you feel kinda out of place when you're with the rest of rainbow society i guess.
but that's the price to pay for a cheap and ugly wardrobe huh?
maybe i should get invited to parties more. can observe this again....