Born in the wrong era? No. There is no wrong era.

the best is yet to come




have not been watching new shows much....
lost the appeal kind of leh...
i've become scared of watching shows that turn out to not be nice despite looking nice.
so i've confined myself to watching old shows that i know i like
or watching only shows that are directed by ppl i most prolly will like.
like i largely had little interest in the social network up til just now.
thought everybody was just hyping it up cos it's about facebook.
if that were the case, then it's no biggy to me.
but then i realised it's directed by david fincher.
whole new perspective to the matter now man...
now i'm gonna watch it even if it means i watch it alone.
there's the luc besson show coming up too...

maybe i should be a bit more adventurous eh?

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