Born in the wrong era? No. There is no wrong era.

the best is yet to come




new discovery.

the result: i am affected.

not something i'm proud of, but what's done is done.

i identify three things.

1. my esteem has dropped

2. i cannot make sense of actions

3. i don't like to be wrong

i had 3 assumptions.
new information was input.
assumptions 1 and 2 immediately phail.
assumption 3, in the light of assumption 1 and 2's phailure, highly unlikely.
assumed to be phail as well.
therefore all 3 assumptions phail.
now i cannot make sense of what was done that would have made sense had the assumptions stood.
i come up with a new theory to rationalise what happened.
however, it bothers me that i had been wrong all along.

the sudden realisation that everything wasn't as i had expected,
this has thrown me off.

i get the sense of being decieved.
i guess i deceive so much that it comes as a hit to be deceived myself.
i have lost control over the information and the influence
it is the weakness and the powerlessness that bothers me
i deceive too much.

does that make it harder for others to connect?
does that make me less knowable?
do i scare other ppl?
is it just my own shell?

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