Born in the wrong era? No. There is no wrong era.

the best is yet to come



forever alone

it is all welled up inside me
feels like bursting
all i have now is distraction
distraction to make me forget for a while
other times, i have my mask
isn't it a great dichotomy of a life?
think about it, skool, church, tfc, cf, climbing, army, soccer, friends, family....
to others i put on a happy front
a confident front
an unaffected front
a matured front?
if i really wanted to, could i fool everyone?
i think i could
beyond, the outside, who knows the inside?
will anybody ever truly know what goes on in my heart?
will people ever know the darkness within?
and then i think, am i alone?
is it not the case for others as well?
how many people have their internal struggles that nobody will ever hear about?
i am together with all the lonely people on this planet.

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