came back from jepun a few days ago. the trip was thoroughly eye-opening. gonna try to recount whatever i can remember.
we went to changi airport and checked in much earlier than we usually do when we go on flights. had much more time to explore the place as a result. u can make FREE local calls inside the place! cool man din know got such thing in singapore... but didn't use it, just took a pic of it.
we ate at the burger king inside the departure place before we boarded. oh and they had free internet as well, so the last entry was made inside the place, but i think the timing a bit whacked....entry was around 12 plus lidat i think..
anyway after we boarded the plane i checked out the songs and the shows, but didn't watch anything finally. slept instead. think it was the skool prog before that. anyway...dozed off while listening to music, the food was cold on the plane so didn't eat much, when i woke up it was bright. i wasn't at teh wondow seat cos mybro insited on taking, but got some cool shots of being beyond the clouds(kumou no mukou...reference to anime movie, well made, should check it out)
touch down at japan! place was cold, and my parents mock me wanting to go around in shorts...8 degrees celcius. we took a skytrain thing fromt eh plane to the main terminal thing...THE PLACE WAS HUGE(but most of japan is anyway as i later found out). interestingly, people stand on the right side of escalators everywhere, even at airports... cool, shows how the civic mindedness was inculcated in their culture. of course, there are some extras, but which society don't have?
got out of the airport...
sky was blue(aoi sora yo~~~)...
cool breeze blew onto my face...
then it started getting cold. as in unbearably cold kind of thing, so i zipped up a jacket fully after putting it on(was in t-shirt...crazy man), and
typing at a free internet station in the airport. cool man. said bye to some people. some people are content with anything from japan. some want cd...glay's heavy gauge. some some want... a kimono. others, sweets and goodies. the absurdest....assorted sushi(and diarrhea). see how loh, if can, then try get something for everyone. hope that this trip will serve it's ultimate purpose though..
talked to someone who had resemblence to me. good friendship in the making. hope can share to him. we chatted during performance. only thing that made going for orientation(last day at least) worthwhile. missed dr aww. cool guy.
10 most entertaining anime of all time( not in order)
1. Rurouni Kenshin(within the original story and DEFINITELY including the ovas)
2. Ninku
3. N.G.E
4. Trigun
5. Cowboy Bebop
6. The Second Raid
7. Hajime no Ippo
8. Bleach
9. Full Metal Alchemist
10. Slamdunk
10 best animated fight sequences in no order
1. Tsuiokuhen(BEST fights - this is definitely the first. hands down. the rest are undecided, but this wins all.i in my opinion lah.)
2. RK (shishio arc especially i.e tenken, saito, anji, shishio ..etc)
3. The Second Raid(can fight for second. never reuse frames)
4. Ninku (final kohjin bout excellent)
5. Trigun (many)
6. NGE (many, against the 10th angel and the asuka sequence in movie)
7. Shadow Skill(black wing and final fight)
8. Bleach(soul society arc especially i.e zaraki, bankai against byakuya, aizen bit)
9. IPPO (nvr reuse sequences)
10. Champloo (also nvr reuse)
10 most laughs in anime in order
1. Slamdunk
2. Ippo
3. P.O.T.
4. Trigun
5. Fumoffu
6. You're Under Arrest
7. Fushigi yuugi
8. RK
9. Galaxy Angels
10. FMA
fav Manga in order(originality, style, humour, drawing, story)
1.One Piece
10.shaman King
i wanna do some radical things. like really crazy stuff. rainer is my hero man. he JUMPED from my balcony, AND broke the fall by rolling. TOO cool. somethings in my head are like kayaking in a canal while it is raining heavily, or drinking vanilla coke at bedok reservoir under the moon in the middle of the night, or making some bomb thing with sparklers, or disappearing from society, or cycling to jurong then sleep on the street then swim. whoa that'll be cool. of course, i'll need company. last time i went with kukaracha we cycled to marina bay. first we ate prata at sempang bedok at 3 in the morning. then we left. at 4 geylang serai WAS FILLED WITH CARS. totally cannot pass. i think it was hari raya or something. then when we got to the highway, we chionged across. that was cool. for a break we stopped oppostie a hotel, some pacific something hotel. got 7-11, that amazing shop. then we go the hotel toilet. nature's cal. the hotel was huge and we wondered if can sleep there, really dun mind man. finally reach marina bay that time it was drizzling. actually drizzled throught eh night, but very light. the view was spectacular at night all the more with the rain. always been fascinated by rain. always will be i cool. ravi always quotes this guy. G.K chesterton i think. he said that part of God's infinity is seen in a child's propensity to exult in the monotonous. KEWL.
i like power quotes.
My name is gladiator. i am maximus decimus meridius. commander of the northern armies. general of the felix legion. loyal only to the true caeser marcus aurelius. father to a murdered son. husband to a murdered wife. and i SHALL have my vengeance whether IN THIS LIFE OR THE NEXT.
Mo Cuishle! MO Cuishle! MO CUISHLE!!
wah. hear only u want to fight. can win the world.
think i shall sleep on my roof tonight. extreme man.