Born in the wrong era? No. There is no wrong era.
the best is yet to come
things of the past...return unto me...
i met cham cham after skool today for lunch and cos he wanted to pass me his new drawing and cos he was gonna be free the whole day and also cos he wanted to go see some shop at east point.
walked around east point, chatted about our usual stuff, along with all the trash talk nonsense. haha, full of nonsense, that we are.
he's kinda scared about results this fri. i have the privilege of not worrying yet. right now i'm just hoping we get a holiday next monday then can watch letters on sun night!
but anyway, he came over and we played abit of linerider (i find that beta 2 is harder to use that beta 1 though).
then he showed me his drawings on a one piece forum. cool man.
but eventually got bored and wanted to do other stuff.
i suggested playing ps2, but he didn't want to play single player game. said that we should play two player game.
haii...dun see why people dun like to play single player games. i dun mind just watching ah. so, in the end we decided to play tekken.
only prob was i couldn't find the second controller.
so went on a search loh. search high and low but cannot find the green one. force me liao lidat. had to go and use my last resort. was not sure if it might work, but it did.
went up to my room to dig out my old short-hand ps controller.
yes, that same short-hand controller that i've used on the ps all these years (it would be about 8 years old now), the same one that accompanied me through countless nights when i stayed up chionging games, and the same one that has the x and circle button symbols almost gone from over-use.
so we played tekken and he trashed me using button-mashing christie, while i tried ot leard how to use steve. eventually managed to get the hang o it and the fights were more even.
the happiest thing about this whole incident though, is that while searching for the controller,
i'm gonna wear it to sleep tonight to commemorate this wonderful event!
and the materais is soft as ever....
ahhh, so happy.
now another shirt to add to the Precious Clothes Preservation Program.
but still, this is wonderfulllllll
: )
i felt sad during maths lesson today because i knew nuts about what was being discussed. and there's a test on wednesday.
i'm feeling happy now because i made 4 sandwiches and ate 3 of them. gave the last one to dad.
craftsman. warrior. child.
The art, that if not passed on, will be forgotten forever.
The art of converting a piece of trash into an agent pain, which, when at the disposal of skilled hands, strikes fear into the hearts of all who come against it.
1. Get a piece of rough paper. Generally, paper that would otherwise be thrown away works better; they seem to stretch more.
2. Tear out a piece measuring approximately 11 x 8 cm.
3. Fold it in half three times, lengthwise(means make both the shorter ends touch each other).
4. Each time, flatten the fold as much as possible. Usually, i use either a ruler or my finger nails to do this.
5. Using a rounded object(like a pen or pencil), curl the breadth by wrapping it around the boject.
6. The hardest part. Roll up the piece of paper tightly, starting from the loose end side(not the folded side).
7. The key is to make it as compact as possible. This means tightening it real tight.
8. Use a rounded object to now press down on the paper roll. Press on the side that does not have a fold.
9. Curl the roll of paper around the rounded object.
10. Voila! Superior paper bullet. The idea is to get a 'U'-shaped bullet that is very tightly packed.
(***note: i did not come up with this design. i learnt it from bob, many years ago, who first learnt it from roy, that same many years ago, who first learnt it from i don't know who. the design may differ slightly from the original, but after making hundreds of bullets over the years, this is, what i find, works best. however, the shooting technique is something i learnt on my own and i am willing to receive advice from others, anytime.)
For accurate shooting,
First pull back, keeping your rubberband- arm straight and aimed towards the ground.
Next, fix your eyes on your target.
When you are ready to take a shot, raise your rubberband-arm until it is aimed high up.
Then as you lower it, release the bullet when it is aimed right above the target.
To achieve best results, it helps if you do the firing sequence in one smooth motion.
play day!
it's been quite a while since i last used my brain so much in a day.
played internet reversi and minesweeper in the wee hours of the morning.
then played blokus and camps and pig at the brothers boon's through the afternoon.
then finally topped it off with an evening of bridge and sleeping queens at joon chung's place.
internet minesweeper is cool! i wouldn't mind searching for mines in the army. though i wouldn't be very good at it.
and while i've known of blokus for some time liao, never actually had the chance to learn it. now that i have, i am impressed with it's simple and elegant play and am inspired to make a bootleg set at home one day! simply for the sake of making one. fun and interesting game.
woke up early to make my way down to yao qi's place in the morn. played ps2 and saw his folks. never been to his house before.
then we went over to mao sheng's house. not bad. got a good view overlooking a fabulous skool. how wonderful it must be to wake up to such a sight every morning, and also to hear such a splendid skool song..his folks were very hospitable and it was interesting to see him at home and to see his home.
next stop was the brothers boon's. got to see RECRUIT BOON! haha. shared about some of his experiences in army and stuff. and saw his cool hair-do and his gear. i can't wait....
some catching up too. haven't seen him for a long while.
and then down to joon chung's.
celebrated dong's birthday there adn helped joon chung clear up some of his food.
and played.
ahh. holidays over.
time to go back to skool liao...
sleepy time.
: (
watched protege.
26 hours ago.
my first hong kong 'mole' film in a cinema.
very grim. very sad. it was saddening. i was saddened. thoroughly.
not fantastically great as a film, but not disappointing either.
no major flaws, and the story's kinda straightforward, so when ms lee asked me for a rating out of 5, i gave 3 stars.
i did like the way the characters were linked and how they were protrayed. not bad.
there are some subtleties presented in the film whose significance i can only speculate about and discuss with others,
but i think on the surface the message to the audience is plain and simple: don't do drugs. period.
director brings this across quite strongly with some pretty raw scenes...not for the faint-hearted...can get nightmare one.
there are other themes like prevention being better than cure, capitalistic thinking and our sense of identity and meaning, but these not so apparent, so harder for me to pick up.
according to mr ong, the rest in this genre all very sad also..
brace yourself for an emotional ride when viewing these shows:
1. Infernal Affairs.
2. Confession of Pain.
3. Divergence.
4. Election.
5. One Last Dance.
6. Sa Puo Lang.
let me watch some happy shows first before i go for these films.
uh, i'm 2 hours and 43 minutes late
happy birthday to s.d. lee.
Chef Teh!
woke up early today.
haven't been bathing the past few days.
took a bath. then spent my time reading.
dad woke up and asked me to help prepare breakfast in bed for mom.
so funny.
had fun decorating the fruits. i fooled around with the mandarin oranges and we had a good laugh out of it.
dad was going on about how you got to have a good contrast in the colours to make it look more presentable.
so elaborate. i was just concerned about having enough fibre so that won't have problems bombing.
(but then again, i realise i'm just as particular when it somes to making sandwiches...haha)
the finalised menu:
Bread with bakwa
Thinly sliced apples with oranges
Honeycomb spongecake
Yogurt with banana slices
then we all drank chinese tea.
meeting with och was cancelled.
was going to climb with turtle at climb asia today cos climb adventure 's closed, but in the end he changed his mind cos he dun have his stuff and also it's kinda rushed.
plan on playing soccer instead, though like nobody going lidat...
see how lah.
just finished reading a silly book, some parts quite funny though.
going to read a 'serious' book now.
court scouting
chinese new year celebrations was terrible today.
poor planning in my opinion,
and the performances generally just not up to standard.
some were not bad lah, but compared to previous years, this one is by far the worst.
good thing got choclairs. helped me to retain my sanity.
and also got book to read. kept me busy for most of the time.
at least it ended quickly.
played soccer just now.
on the bus home i was just reminiscing those days back in tk when we would play after skool.
we would chase the lower sec away,
guys crowding round the court, all awaiting their turn to play...
1 goal change. people usually disliked being keeper.
we would play in our long pants and shirts. sometimes we played in p.e. shirt, sometimes in home shirt.
sometimes they went around topless.
played when it rained, played when it scorched, played when it was just nice.
loved it.
still do.
just now i played with shoes on.
i think i'm getting better with shoes.
didn't want to make injury worse, and didn't like playing on hot surfaces.
usually increase chance of getting blisters, hot surfaces do.
not bad in my opinion.
didn't really mess up much, but still, feel for the ball goes down with shoes.
and we still not playing passing.
all too kan cheong i reckon. need to relax a bit when we get the ball.
anyhow kick the ball without looking when there's actually no rush.
but i think we'll get better with more publicities and skill will go up ba.
toe still hurts.
i need a bath.
"I'm glad it's you..."
i realise what i read affects how i write.
but more of that next time i guess.
watched road to perdition just now.
stellar performance!
ir's supposed to rank among the greats of gangster flicks,
and it does!
story is simple enough. acting is superb. and cinematography....brilliant. sheer class.
like that scene in the rain.
i teared in that scene. and it was filmed so beautifully...
time to try and psycho my dad into watching the film. he says he needs a quiet afternoon when there isn't much distraction.
better make sure he watches it.
also, it seems i have grown a habit of going down to imdb to check up on films right after i finish watching them.
did that for this too. did that for a lot of shows in the past not to mention.
and, the good thing about imdb is that its got alot of info regarding movies...hence 'database'(duh)
like who the cinematographer was for road to perdition.
a Conrad L. Hall.
this guy is amazing. reading up on him has convinced me to give american beauty a try even though i am not into such genres.
he was responsible for the cinematography in films like searching for bobby fisher(i like...), road to perdition(mmm), american beauty(hence the interest), and in cold blood( which is now also on my list of to-watch)..all of which got him(and some won him) oscar nominations...
wah. so exciting.
now that i've seen road to perdition, it's stirred up an interest in mob flicks.
i wanna see martin scorese and what all the hype is about.
mob flicks to catch:
1. The Godfather Trilogy.
2. Goodfellas.
3. Gangs of New York.
4. The Departed.
some i can get my hands on. some i can't. we'll see how it goes.
specky schmecky. BAH i say!
well. it seems all my army dreams have been dashed.
speckys can't be scouts...
news flash: i am a specky.
so no scouts for me :(
maybe i can follow gattaca(or whatever that show was) and modify myself and bluff them so that i meet the physical criteria to be a scout....
stoopid idea.
but i have decided that this sad fact will not spoil my army for me.
no, it won't.
my aspirations just need to change a bit can liao.
now, i have decided that i will become...A MEDIC!
how cool is that!?!?
run around on the battle field, look for wounded soldiers, bullets flying past you from both sides, explosions here there everywhere, dirt blown into your face, your helmet flys off from a stray bullet, you duck, air plane fly past you, another solider falls beside exciting
but now no more catching, no more binoculars, no more climb trees, no more espionage, got big target sign on your head wherever you go, and...worst of all, you see death least dun have to kill tho.
but if a medic's what i'm gonna be, then a medic it is!
or i could always just be a clerk and play solitaire all day while waiting for time to pass...
sigh... i can't wait.
one good decision esther, thanks.
blooming HOT.
but that aside, today i have become thoroughly convinced that the best thing about mj is library.
i do not know if the libraries in other jc's are as good as, or better than mj's, but nonetheless, i am very happy with the library that we have.
it is superb.
the librarians are all so warm and helpful, i think we could be friends.
the air conditioning is just nice, not too hot, not too cold.
the books, oh the books! so much to read! and so well organized! (well, i guess as a library, all this ought to be expected...but still! the experience is such an enjoyable one...)
there are some books that i can't find...but there are also books that i never thought u would ever find there. so i suppose it balances out.
and the computers there are great. no need to be top end. just need to be user-friendly, and user-friendly it is. surfing the net is smooth, and while printing stuff can get a little tricky at times, it all works out in the end, so no problems there.
and lastly, icing on the cake...THE MULTI-MEDIA SECTION!!!
a huge assortment of music cds, dvd documentaries and films!
you can borrow one at a time for 2 weeks, two at a time if it's gonna be a long weekend(like this coming one).
the spanning different genres and eras...think A Bridge too Far, to Ran, to Back to the Future, to Real:The Movie.
just wonderful.
no rockwall, no bouldering wall.
but this will do.
went there just now, borrowed 2 books and 2 films.
watched one already.
write about it later.
together at last.
ernest is your regular junior college boy studying in meridian JC.
nothing really unusual about him, just a normal kid who leads a simple life.
he lives down at simei and sometimes, after school, he would take the mrt down to the train station and amek his way home from there.
on days when his bike was parked there, he would cycle home.
other days he would just take a nice stroll under train track. usually he'd be listening to music as he walked home in the shade. he loved the gentle breeze (well, when there was one at least...) and also the scenery along the way; the big field especially and the constant flow of water in the drain.
usually he makes his way home alone.
but that has changed now.
you see, not too long ago, john moved into the neighborhood.
john's kinda new around there, but everybody's been awefully nice, and he's feeling right at home.
he's probably gonna be sticking around for quite a while. that's wonderful.
ernest has really come to enjoy john's company.
they don't really have a lot in common, but that's ok.
ernest likes john simply for who he is.
sometimes he feels like he's been waiting for him for his entire life.
well, now the wait's finally over.
it looks like the beginning of a beautiful friendship...
just great...
we played tennis for p.e. today!
and we'll be doing so for the next few mondays too! : )
having some basic lessons on tennis. so fun.
didn't really enjoy it the last time we were taught (during my first year)
my wrist was still hurting bad from the bike injury so i couldn't hit properly. wrist couldn't take the strain at all.
now heal liao. heh. can enjoy it for all it's worth. maybe i may play outside if got the chance....
see if dad will train me or something.
still, not everything is a cause for joy.
wrist may be healed, but other injuries have sprung up over time also...
today my toe's had it bad.
it hurts when i walk sometimes. that one no need say.
but what's worse, other times i would suddenly feel a wierd localized pain sensation around my toe area...and that when i'm sitting down doing nothing.
see lah? never take care of body right? whole life do all sorts of nonsense without thinking right?
think this one i kena around dec or nov last year from playing soccer, barefooted(as usual).
thought little of it then, so i didn't bother to do anything. figured that it would heal eventually like any regular injury.
apparently i was wrong about that.
also, seems like it's been made worse.
on sat this huge indian guy zhammed the ball and i blocked it.
stuck out my foot.
stopped the ball AND with his leg.
full force went to my toes i think...
time to lay low on exerting my toes.
good thing holiday coming.
wonder if tui na painful anot.... i know you?
found out last night that sat wasn't valentine's day.
i was thinking too much into it anyway.
we had area meeting on sat and ms lee introed the team to the proj servants,
among whom i have come to meet some interesting characters.
one such character is john, brother of james, son of zebedee, brother of joanne from grace bible pres.
we played soccer on sat and when we were resting i chatted with him.
a couple of weeks before, we had already met at rom trail and already i had taken a liking to him.
i wore my university of the nations shrit then and he asked if i was from cambodia. LOL
i said "yea, i'm from cambodia. i hunt lions during my free time..." heh.
he smiled, then he saw my shorts,
"did you just come from soccer?'
lol. i laughed again...(and he asks it with such a look of conviction.)
i told him that i came from home and he had this look of "oh i see.."
but this isn't to say that he's ignorant or anything( i wouldn't know for sure though)
that night he became the first person i'd ever met who could point out that i had two pens with me all the time(one for spinning and one for writing)
on sat, his revelation shocked me even further.
"i took double maths and physics for my a's..." (he's waiting to go to the U btw)
"i love maths....F maths is so fun..."
"'s an adrenaline rush whenever i do maths...."
"you know what kind of questions they ask you in f maths? you know pendulum right? calculate the period of the right?"
(for lack of creativity, insert expression of utmost amazement here using imagination)
no wonder he going into some engine course in U. something about turbines and stuff...
totally blew my mind. never thought i'd actually meet such people. now, i can expect anything...
made me realise. in this world there are people like that,
and then there's me:
having a jolly good ride in school thanks to the dreaded subject...
so that's john, brother of james, son of zebedee, brother of joanne, from grace bible pres(i actually call him that)
heh, and he's not bad at soccer too. : )
another proj servant i've come to know of is jeremy.
i don't really know jeremy that well.
met him personally for the first time on sat during area meeting,
but apparently he knew of me even before that...(ms lee hadn't introed us yet)
Me: "hi, sorry, but i don't really know your name yet..."
J: "oh, i'm jeremy. you're ernest right?"
Me: "!? how you know !?"
J: "they say ur soccer is good, and your dressing is infamous..."(i was wearing a t-shirt and shorts)
Me: "!?!?....uhhhh...."
and such incidents are not isolated.
my name has been circulating among the proj servants apparently. sam and east..
i would walk out of the lift and enconter some sam proj servants.
Me: "hi."
PS: "hello"
PY: "oh, this is ernest."
PS: "ohhhh, so YOU'RE ernest...pleased to meet you.."
Me: "uh, ok..pleased to meet you.."
Me: "oh, hello. eh, you quite familiar, i like see your face before...'
PS: "um, i dun think so."
Me: "haha, issit...lemme think.."
ET: "this is ernest"
PS: "ohhh"
Me: "huh, how you know me?"
PS: "oh, pei yun got tell us about you before.."
Me: "issit...i know liao! i saw you..."
so weird to meet people you don't know but who know you...
chinks and tham also lidat i've heard...
learnt this from randal bak when i was 10
everybody's doin' it
doin' it doin' it
picking their nose and chewin' it
chewin' it chewin' it
they think it's candy but it's not
it's not
it's snot.
tommy tham kai jing!
o level results out today.
there must be least a thousand other posts regarding this on other blogs. haha.
anyway, went down to marist today with chinks to get his cert.
the plan was to see thams there too.
so met him at parkway and we went down together by bus.
chatted along the way about school and stuff.
seems our boy chinks is quite the socialite...
heh, wah he siao on about jc and the activites one.
seems this angel and mortal game is quite common in jcs. mine have, his also have.
just that thus far i've not bothered about my mortal or angel.
he, on the otherhand already in correspondence with his angel and mortal.
then for v-day i think he bought cookies from the student council. he also arrange to exchange flowers on the day with his friend...happening eh.
eventually we reached.
interesting atmosphere. all the sec-outs all carried an air of graduate-pride. like kings returning to their empires. especially evident when in groups.
i bought ice cream from an ice-cream man along the way. :)
the ceremony hadn't started yet when we entered the skool.
chinks went to catch-up with his chumps while i went to eat in the canteen.
i found the western food ok lah. the drinks i dun like tho. all vending machine cup type...and so little variety.
after i finished my meal, ceremony still haven't start yet and he still mingling, so i told him not to worry about me and then i went about exploring marist.
windy place, saw a bunch of guys trying to play soccer on a sloped surface. then there was the bball group, and also went to check out the ping pong guys.(i feel like playing now. pitting my skills against someone on par or better than me....)
the uniform groups were all gathering as well.
well, eventually the ceremony started. my GREAT surprise...
thams was among the top scorers in the school!
4 A1 2 A2. whoa, his name on ohp flashed for the whole cohort to see...
chinks also did well. hoped to do better tho. learn loh...
took some pics, talked to some other guys from marist.
then left after chinks and thams left.
went down to eh.
garage today.
met cham cham to watch. catch up and stuff too.
suggested a couple of things we could do before he enlisted....sounds exciting.
talk more about the content of the conversation another time(sleepy now)
anyway, came back, and smelled something distintively familiar....
went in to buy me my inaugural meal...
ahhh... happy.
not running aimlessly
went jogging with hj again just now.
he was tired today so we didn't cover the same distance as last time.
slightly less, but still tiring.
ran with a stitch this time. ughh. terrible feeling.
the thing i've come to realise though, is that after you've covered a few k, you just eventually kinda switch off.
you become conscious of very little things.
it's like sometimes, all your processing power just goes to moving one foot in front of the other.
and then again.
and again.
and again.
and again.
and so on and so forth...until you finally reach your destination.
i guess it helped to have the moon so clear in the sky tonight.
something to look at and admire while you feel the wind in your face.
sometimes my mind wanders and i think about stuff.
honestly, all sorts of random stuff just run through my head. happenings, persons, things, songs, shows,
heh, some of the things that i considered were quite intersting...
we came back and sat down out front after doing our stretching.
two topless guys talking about all sorts of stuff in the middle of the night.
to think, when i first met him, i didn't even like him.
it's amazing.
maybe i'll write about that next time.
now is sleepy time.
a boy's dream
i can't wait to enter the army.
only 1 more year to go!
...and counting...
in the past i thought of it like everybody else did: felt it was a waste of time.
but then i entered jc. and i heard all those tales from the guys.
compared to jc life, i figured army was gonna be like a 2 year holiday!
after spending 13 years of my life in singapore's education system, anything else sounds better than school.
and...also in army all you need to do is what your superior tells you to.
it's that simple.
"touch that tree". touch.
"run up and change". run. change.
"run back up and change".
"and do it in half the time". run. change. late.
push ups.
"run 30 rounds". run.
heck it man. compared to calculus, that ROCKS.
even the punishments are good!
so you make a mistake. so the instructor is unreasonable. so you have to do stupid things.
at least you grow stronger in the process.
more push ups = stronger body.
stupid chores = character growth.
see it from the right perspective, and you can even learn to trust God more!
how cool is that!?
and and and...
imagine if i get the vocation i want!
i wanna be a scout.
i'm not entirely sure of the details of such a job,
but at least from what i imagine of it,
i figure i'd love it.
in my head, i'm thinking...binoculars, camouflage, climb trees, recon, report back, get spotted, run for dear life(don't spoil it for me...), get caught, tortured, not talking, left alone, escape through ingenious plan....
i mean...that would be awesome!
it's like catching. only if you get caught, you die.
ahhhh, can't wait to go....
jist another 365 more days and a bit more on the side.
please wait for me.
my favorites
in view of how some of my favorite shirts(in particular the coldbar, eat, drink and be merry and the brasil yellow) are so faithfully obeying the second law of thermodynamics(and so evidently at that),
i have decided that i will do whatever it takes to preserve them for as long as possible.
this means that i may refrain from washing them if they are not THAT dirty.
in the case that they MUST be washed,
it will be done strictly by me,
hand-washed with the most delicate of detergents,
using water at the optimum preservation temperature,
and dried in the most fabric-friendly conditions (definitely not under direct heat from the scorching sun).
also, i will keep in mind not to wear them too frequently, donning them only on special occasions.
eventually i may end up wearing them only once a year.
(maybe by which time i will realise that i am stupid for doing so and may change my ways)
now this treatment is only limited to 3 shirts.
however i expect that overtime, other shirts will join their ranks of endangered species and that will mean more work for me.
if that's the case, then so be it.
i. not. scared.
i came.
i saw.
i conquered.
that's so corny....
big deal loh. just a tree only, say like what lidat.
today in church i climbed the tree that i've been meaning to climb for a while liao. :D
waha. i figured it was possible the last time. just needed to give it a go.
cool. now that it's done, it just means...another one to add to my list.
we had cake today from tiramisutra (or something like that),
courtesy of hsing joo(she said she just got her first pay and wanted to use it to buy the cake...good attitude. i salute).
the packaging of the cake is absolutely cool.
i cut out the stylo portion and wanted to bring it home (not sure for what though), but apparently it was mistaken for trash and got thrown away. sigh.
it had a whole story on the box about an elephant and the cake. pointless, but COOL.
and there were little phrases about like "this expands your mind(not your waist), and "hello, my name is edith"
miss tai came today too. not very sure why though...something about being free or something like that. maybe she came cause of the cake. if so then i guess it's a credible enough reason. hmm..
first lesson proper with my group today, set some general ground rules hope they abide by them. quite ok imo. participation level was not bad. sat relatively still when mr ong spoke too. maybe a bit restless nearing the end but i can kinda of understand why(lesson was pretty long today and rather heavy too).
ok. not bad. but shi hao could't make it today. not sure if the dynamics will change much with him around. need to plan just in case.
later at lcc's house, it was fun with mel again. haha.
he's getting more and more active... anyway. mr lim was feeding him his tea-time snack and he was walking about the place doing all sorts of stuff.
he would have yoghurt all over his mouth and at the same time have conversations with us that only he could understand.
den den dannnnnng...
it happened.
his face started scrounging up on a few accounts. blood rushing to his head(you could tell by the sudden redness). his mobility severely decreased. and occassional babyish moans were heard.
he stood there. trying not to move as much as possible.
it could only mean one thing...
he tababombed. big time.
lol. so quickly get him to finish his snack and then begin the waste disposal procedure.
waha. we all watched in fascination as mr lim changed his diapers. and wah. his bomb reminded me of those elephant ones down at the zoo...the colour and texture i mean..(is that too much details? ok lah i think)
but after it was all done. he was back up and running about all over the place.
now that i think back.
we forogt to take a video...excellent blackmail video when he's older i figure...haiya.
guess we'll just need to wait for next time...
my toe, my heel, my calves, my thighs...
yesterday we had the annual college road race.
ummm...yea...road race for all those who signed up for the competitive run.
for the rest of us lazier was just a walkathon. a pretty short one at that.
didn't sign up for the competitive run. i couldn't run.
my kegs were still sore from the leisure 'jog' on thursday(apparently we covered about 7 k that night?) .
anyway, thanks to the road run event thing, i missed romans trail on sat morning.
but the breeze at pasir ris park was nice though. i think it's always windy by the beach.
maybe one of these days i'll cycle down and sit by the sea from night til morning. that'll be cool. maybe can find some people and we could talk the night away...
one interesting thing that i managed to witnees from the road race was the teachers and how they interacted with each other.
haha. sometimes i realise we find it hard to believe that teachers have lives outside the classroom.
got to see how the teachers would dress more casually, how they would break into their own cliques, how they would chat with each other to kill time until the event some of them actually had friends and how they joked among themselves.
so interesting...the more human side of teachers. lol, like say them until like what lidat.
ok lah, so i rarely see teachers mix among themselves and let loose. i'm deprived.
well. it ended eventually. and a correction to the previous post:
long john haven't open yet. not when i checked yesterday, not when i checked just now.
5 days late and counting,,,,
came back, changed, got ready to head down to serangoon to play soccer.
the bus ride there was long, but i was expecting it so no big deal.
amazingly, even when your legs feel like blocks of wood, the spirit of the game breathes life into them and sustains them just long enough for an afternoon of matches...
played ok at first...but....haii...after a while...cannot make it liao.
no chemistry lah our team...not enough passing. passing also buay zhun. soccer is a game of passing. do that well and it will go to the next level.
my resolution: next time we play, must establish a strategy of passing before the game.
through the game i injured me heal and worsened the condition of my toe.
oh dear...feels like i'm lugging around a pair of wasted legs...
better recover soon...playing again this sat i think.
must improve our playing!
worthy successors!
went jogging with hj just now.
"hi! wanna go run?"
"come on! let's go!"
"i go ur place or u come mine?"
"eh....u come mine lah"
slowly slowly slowly.
got 235 today!
went out to eat kfc with last kfc meal there i believe.
good idea about eating with dad: talk. he pays. we shop.
bad idea about eating with dad. we shop.
went over to sportslink to see waht soccer balls they were selling. all those at home all got hole liao. and he's got voucher at other shops so just scout today, then buy another day at those shops.
then we saw the 235's...50 BUCKS!
an apt replacement for my 234's! yay! and so cheap! woohoo!
next it's off to dvd rental. strange interest in wanting to watch gladiator again.
dunno why, but i just feel like watching the whole thing over; fight scenes, speeches, cinematography. especially the last kinda plays in my head, but i'm not sure if i'm imagining it right. only one way to find out i guess.
maybe it's because of othello that an interest has been rekindled. i don't know.
but due to a certain string of events..i finally borrowed capote instead. gladiator must wait...which is fine. no rush.
came back and soon enough, i would have to put my 235's to the test!
gruelling run. tried to keep up. didn't know when it would end until i was about outside my house...
but i'm glad. good training. mental tenacity.
that, and also
went for a drink and chat after that. i cycled and tompanged him.
2 bottles of vanilla coke for me. bought some snyders too.
(came back. no change in weight. not surprised.)
there was a bucnh of skater mhad dudes nearby. he went over to borrow their board and TRY to ollie. commendable effort and courage. this i acknowledge.
the mhads were good. could do ollies and kick flips and 360'sand stuff. bob could do an ollie if i remember right.
reminded me of my techdeck days. maybe i'd go get one just to play with again...we'll see.
anyway. the crux of today was talking about life and death.
not as i thought it would turn out, but it was better than nothing.
hopefully we can talk more next time yah? really talk. not just mouth words.
it's gonna take a lot. i'm sure of it. but...
well, i'll never walk alone.
i just pray that i may be found faithful.
less than 18 degrees C
so what is cool?
well, to the rest of the world, cool is relative.
find out what is a subculture. what is "underground". what is "cult".
then, you would probabaly have struck "cool" in it's rawest form.
take the concept, bring it to light, bring it to...the masses.
of course, some people will find such raw 'coolness' repulsive; that's natural, coming from the safe environment that they've been living in.
so you would first have to tone down the rawness and package it in a more... socially accepted way.
people are ready to adopt this coolness and make it their own!
of course, once they do, and it becomes wildly popular,
then...eventually it would become overpopular? overplayed? overrated?
it would become mediocre.
and, it would stop being cool.
time to go back to subcultures then.
however, after people forget about that previous fashion, and move on, it would revert back to its subculture origins again!
hence, regaining it's raw coolness!
so in my opinion, though it's also totally fine to go with what's 'in'
(there IS value in that you know....)
i'd very much just prefer to like what i like simply because i like what i like, there are boundaries to what i ought to like. that is a given.
sometimes you like what others like, sometimes you don't.
i think it's less tiring to like what you like instead of always trying to follow what's cool.
but that's only just my opinion anyway.
all the difference
well, at times he's kinda crude. and loud.
but he can also be cultured and well-behaved.
it all depends on the kind of company he's with.
pretty much a helpless flirt.
if he's not around girls, then he's probably with his chums doing stupid things or playing soccer.
on his own, he's focussed on training to improve his climbing.
or he would be wasting his life away, reading comics, watching anime, or playing games. computer or console, whatever he fancies at that point in time.
ehhhh, is he materialistic?
um. he doesn't buy nike. he goes for asics..the real stuff.
the nokia n series won't really suit him either. not his taste. b&o more like. that's class...
he thinks convergence is silly. a phone calls. end of story.
you want music? get an ipod.
portable gaming? a nitendo ds. don't waste your time on a psp. get a ps3 and enjoy it on your hdtv. no doubt he can afford one. well, at least his parents can.
school doesn't bother him too much.
he weasels his way through. mugs when he needs to, copies when needs to, lies when he needs to. no problem. he's pretty smart too, so he handles it quite well.
that pretty much summarises his life.
of course it's pointless too. no purpose in life.
but he couldn't care less i reckon.
I don't envy him though.
haha. i just realised.
wrong tense.
it should be "would be"...not "is".
good grades and seven years made all the difference.
and of course,
the unfathomabnle grace of God.