Born in the wrong era? No. There is no wrong era.
the best is yet to come
i scared more components means spoil faster
ura just replaced mom's old phone with a newer model.
but she doesn't like that new one cos its buttons are smaller and cos of some other things(actually she just don't want to change phone la).
she likes things to last forever. like when she has to replace something that she likes, she tries to find a replacement that resembles the previous one as much as possible. i'm like that abit, but abit abit only la, not as much as her.
so now she's swopped phones with me. dad had her choose from among our phones to see which she'd rather have instead of hers.
that means that now i got a phone with 4 more buttons than my older one...
hai. i dun want so many buttons leh. and actually i think don't need one loh. i don't know what to do with them lidat...
this new one more complicated also. more functions and whatnots, most of which i think i won't use. but can la, i'll get used to it. eventually.
oh, and the unsmsables still exist on this phone too. dad's conclusion is that it's a sim card prob...
a little fall of rain
it's raining heavily now.
here's a fact
We all sin.
Jesus Christ died for our sins. Once and for all.
This means we do not need to fear judgement anymore.
Now He sanctifies us by His Spirit and by His Word.
This means there is no sin that cannot be overcome.
It may be hard, but it's not impossible.
Thanks be to God.
back to day by day. or not
exams tomorrow.
and again the day after that.
and again the day after that.
and again the day after that.
and then there's a 3 day break cos of youth day. i am still a youth.
and then somemore exams.
and then somemore exams the next day.
and then it's over.
and then there's one day of school. lousy no marking day decision. bah!
and then there's a 3 day break cos of my medical check up on friday. woohoo.
chinks came to church in shorts and t-shirt and slippers yesterday.
hilarious. he always makes me laugh.
and the day before, i ripped my nike white stripe(my no. 5's!!!). um. there's sort of a hole in the side now. and i'm wearing them now. and i'm still gonna wear them cos i don't care even if people say it's obscene cos it's actually not(ok. maybe just a little bit).
it just poured suddenly and then stopped. i was happy for a moment.
chi, if want to rain heavy heavy then heavy heavy come and stay heavy heavy lah, sian i dun like heavy then get my hopes up and then turn out to be nothing.
it's better that way.
must prepare for battle tomorrow.
and the day after. and after. and after....and........
wei lao shi is going to taiwan!
and she says she will get me suan mei from the bai nian lao dian!
i asked for 3 packets and she's totally cool with that.
muahahaha. woohoo. 3 packet of suan mei....shall ration them to last me for as long as possible...
and rain will make the flowers grow
the moon is a rock floating about outside the earth. and it reflects the light of the sun. and tonight i can see half of it. and it is very nice.
rain is water that falls from the sky. and it falls onto a lot of things. and sometimes i am one of those things. and sometimes i have an umbrella. and sometimes i don't. and it is very wet.
rain can be very heavy sometimes. that means that sometimes the rain drops are very big. and i like it when they are big. sometimes the rain drops are very small. and i also like it when they are small. and there can be alot of small rain drops sometimes. and we will call it heavy rain also. and in heavy rain it can be hard to see things.
the moon shines the sun's light on many things. and i am also one of those things. and sometimes it rains and i am in the rain. and sometimes the moon also shines on me when i am in the rain. and the moon can be very bright still. and the moon is not in the rain. and it still looks very nice.
and i am a fool.
there's nothing to be ashamed of. it's universal...
miss lee was telling us just now.
pei chin was on the bus once, double decker.
in front of her,
some guy was digging his nose.
to her right,
some ah kong was digging his nose.
looking out the window, down at the sidewalk,
some aunty was digging her nose.
lol. dunno whether to laugh or to cry.
...or to join them.
miss lee: "ok what! very normal mah! you don't dig your nose meh?! roy, don't you dig your nose?"
roy: "huh?"
"ya...when i'm driving..."
"then i like to flick it out the window at other drivers"
*flicks finger at imaginary person*
miss lee: "see! come on, don't tell me you don't dig your nose? or other people dig for you ah?"
ms lee: "ya. i don't dig leh. i always use other people finger one."
"sorry, lend me your hand"
*grabs imaginary hand and starts tunneling his nasal canal*
roy then proceeds to put the shrek ears on ms lee's head before digging them for him.
there was a silly smirk on his face. roy's that is.
i caught it on camera.
haha. hilarious.
tsk...distract me from studying...but ok la. call it a humour break. has caused me to....hehehe...
bob, birks, scholls, bata and wmqdbawr...
it's 4.
today i slept past breakfast and worked past lunch.
as for dinner though, i did manage to meet up with bob at tm. it was just bob. 1 person only.
...a let down?
nah. i was surprised tho. but she can wait. it's just a matter of time.
talked about yfc and what's been happening recently. also told him about some of the up and coming weddings, all of which left him staring at me in disbelief.
like shake his world lidat.
now everybody also he think got girlfriend of somesort. talk about this or that person, always "who he like?". so funny.
he tried to be detective again. failed terribly. aiyah, tell you la you need to change your approach. just chiong without thinking confirm bang into wall one...
i can only say...amateur.
after dinner we walked around a bit. then he went shopping for slippers.
he's kinda in the birkie camp. says they're "really very comfortable".
just that they're also rather expensive(though that really isn't a prob for him) and his feet are too broad for them. he has fat feet.
so we went bata and looked around. he found a weinbrenner pair that he liked and could fit comfortably in too. in fact the pair that he had on then was also weinbrenner(he likes that pair too, just that lotsa ppl say it's ugly. i think it's nice leh..)
well, it seems bob's become a weinbrenner man. "carry the bata plastic bag with pride!" he says. lol.
he tried to pull me into the birk and weinbrenner camp.
told him mine are also very comfy.
he tried them on..."eh! yours very comfortable also!"
of course man.
but i already resolved in my heart la. next pair of slippers i want is the wet-market-quick-dry("dri-fit")-blue-and-white-rubber kind, the ones i wore to the first church camp and also to camp orion. super comfy. and can wear and play soccer one. best is they prolly cost less than $5.
his: $25(after discount. going a half price)
birks: $100(can go that high he says)
you tell me? faced with such a decision? which would you choose?
i'd love to get a pair of scholls to replace my one when they wreck...but abit ex too leh...aiyah. just get the wmqdbawr kind first la. after that get scholls also not too late.
after that he had to go off to meet his siblings for gelare. maybe the next time we meet i could jio turt along. bob would like to catch up with him too i think.
enjoyed myself very much.
willed myself to go eh and do vectors today...a very difficult task.
luckily, there was a nice cold can of coke waiting for me in the vending machine, which i promptly bought on arriving and finished shortly after.
"live on the coke side of life".
going again tomorrow(another round of willing myself there)...more vectors waiting for me.
just send it la.
had team dinner at big ben's place just now. no birthday in june so was more of a welcome to team 2(i hope i got the number right) dinner for the two new(old)girls.
food was nice. had the lamb. that was nice. everyone else had either the chicken chop or the fish and chips...which were nice too. bulk of dinner conversation went to talking(mostly miss liew(no lah, kidding)) and getting to know more about each other and the new team mates. heh. learnt quite a bit. like about brandon...
it was good enough just sitting and listening.
bought some pies to bring home when we left. think i'll eat them for breakfast tomorrow!
walked to bedok interchange after that for dessert and chee kueh(dong's idea). just ms lee, dong and me. heard more about his trip :) the trip that i will also make someday.
hopefully within the next decade or two.
talked to ms lee about movie plans too. or rather about not movie plans..heh. try lah ah?
just finished me monster, complete with eyes and mouth. hope it fits. see how tmr.
now i need sleep.
rain rain rain :)
it's been a rainy day.
rained in the morning. rained in the afternoon. rained in the evening. raining now.
i like rain. :)
just now on my way back from eh, it was raining but i couldn't walk in it too long lest my bag(and its contents) got wet.
so tried not to let my bag get wet loh.
but just now different! all i had was my wallet and my phone, all of which could have been kept safely under the shelter of my shirt!
so! i could happily walk home in the rain and get wet for the life of me! but aiyah won't so easily sick one la. if so then skool would have been so much easier to miss.
now i think i know why i had a deep ache in my right thigh(it's still there).
i remember on the night soujiro had to fight for his life, it rained. and before it rained, shishio had aches all over his body. and from that he predicted, "a storm is coming". i think i'm experiencing something similar to what shishio felt.
or it could be cancer. heh.
watched pan's labyrinth. nice. i would like to see again if i could. with less comments, thank you very much. heh, is it a war show with an element of fantasy? or a fantasy show set within a period of war? is there actually a difference? prolly not. does it matter if there is? i doubt it.
need to watch less shows liao. time to stand down on movies.
say 'no' to vcds, dvds, vhs, lds, princess, gv, shaw, cathay, and youtube.
i think this will be the last show i watch until my a's? try and make sure it is la. unless i desperately need some film therapy to keep my sanity later on...
on sweeping mines
expert in 379!!!
i am leveling up!?!?!!
my cheeks are hurting
went eh to do work today
then ms lee came down to later in the evening to pass me a book by pratt.
heh, i remembered something i wanted to do.
told him to give me a call.
and then he heard ringtone....
*intro plays*
ms lee: "?! what is this music!? how come it sounds creepily familiar!?"
it continues...
my phone: "i~~~~~~ can give you gat~~sby~~~~ ga~~tsby~~~~"
ms lee: LOL
hurhurhur he says i made his day.
now he's gonna "spread the love"
plotted how he would plant the song in miss lee's phone and also in miss lin's comp, and have it play at a convenient time...
i suggested print a picture of takuya kimura and put it on top of the phone and plant it on a table. then give it a call.
but he's got other plans...
hoho, so entertaining. wish i could see it when it happens. oh well...too bad for me then.
after that had dinner with gtl and ms lee.
haha, and heard more stories from gtl about teaching last time.
super funny. laugh all the way home. :)
i've moved on...
no more solitaire liao.
now minesweeper's got my finger clicking.
for the first time in my life,
688 COUNTS!!!
unwell. sorta. was, at least...
apparently i've been eating all the things that will only make things worse.
well, what doesn't kill you only makes you stronger.
anyhow, i'm feeling better liao.
prolly well enough to eat whatever junk i want anyway.
so that's that then. need to get to work soon or i'm doomed for sure...
words of wisdom
as chocolate is good for the body,
and comics good for the mind,
so is coke good for the soul!
and they say that a he~~ro will save us.....
what does it stand for? is it short for something? or is that his full name?
he came and left, all without uttering a single word.
just like a hero.
today, he was my hero.
in my time of despair, he was the light that tore through my darkness.
the hand that caught me when i was falling...
he was the reason i held on just abit longer.
when i thought all hope was lost, he showed me that it wasn't.
when i was standing there.
all alone.
no toilet paper.
unable to tahan any longer...
he appeared.
there on his name tag..."Zal".
"sorry, the toilet no more toilet paper, could i have some please?"
he walks off.
2 minutes later,
he returns.
"thank you very much!"
and that was the last i saw of him.
walking in circles
a drunkard who steps everywhere,
and goes nowhere.
it saddens the heart. it should.
this is gonna be hard...
come home.
on fan.
on lights.
on computer.
on music.
next thing,
on floor. k.o.
past few nights have been like that. maybe i'm tired.
i wake up in the morning with the lights and comp still on. oops.
yesterday i was walking to simei mrt when i started reciting the rules of fight club. i repeated the first three rules, each with more force than the previous one...until i realised i was not alone. hurhur.
behind me got 2 ite boys. i think they heard me, and were staring at me. stopped talking immediately...
heh, need to be more aware of my surroundings...ngiap tai commented that at rest, i am naturally in a vegetative state. face like this one -> -__-
he's right. i call it the spontaneous vegetative regeneration hibernation system(svrhs). it helps to store energy, and when i do it in the sun, i also photosynthesize. some people just think i am stoning.
please loh. i'm past that.
i stone productively...
met mr lim this morning to talk abit about...operation hell week(s).
wah it looks crazy loh.
i think my brain just might blow up in the process. scary...and to think i penned it all down. unbelieveable. view of the intensive cranium popping operation that i will be embarking on for the next couple of weeks...
i have decided.
haiii...gonna have to start sleeping earlier liao(good bye my quiet nights).
and! putting my movies on hold for now...*sob*
must play less also... :(
today maybe the last time i play bball in a while. yesterday maybe the last time i watch movie in cinema(maybe one exception for F4 for students)...
i'll still climb tho...
hehe. but less.
that's all folks!
my back muscles are aching. the wings or whatever you call them.
i locked off too much yesterday doing up the roof route.
(had to go up like 3 or 4 times...and 1 time i had to campus up cos intelligent me removed the foothold before i went up)
but that's not important,
teengames climbing is over!
(dunno happy or sad)
so cool lor this year climbing...the routes so exciting.
the girls had difficulty finishing some, and none of the boys could complete the roof.
and then the tie breaker also another crazy sequence. nobody did it.
come back next year and try again!
i wanna set route again next year!
and then and then and then! i met 2 st hildas juniors! chang li and dao ran from srjc!
so! adding me and angie and cherlyn, there were a total of FIVE st hildas primary ppl in the hall at some point in time!
and aslam from srjc also from TK! waha!
heh, i'm adding exclamation marks to everything. shows my "hurgh!"
on monday cherlyn told me to tell her about the 2 shps guys today so that she can get excited. i forgot. so she forgot to get excited. haha.
arms tired, still can exercise legs. so i think i'll run later...but after i finish some stuff first..
what to do now?
life goes on as usual.
i eat my dinner.
i call my students.
i prepare my bs.
i wait for my mom to wake up.
i break the news to her.
i expect the worse.
i laugh at my laughable plight.
i buy myself a can of coke.
just that now i do all that without Hikari.
do you hear that?
that's the rest of the world laughing at me.
well, if not the rest of the world, then maybe just one individual. or two.
how come?
two chains were used.
less than half a day had passed.
and it's the day light half of day.
H. I. K. A. R. I.
G. O. T.
S. T. O. L. E. N.
look at the time look at the time!
so many things to do! and i think i don't have enough time..
that most likely will mean...stess.
and i don't like stress.
it improves productivity in me, this i am well aware of, but i don't like the "siao liao siao liao, bo xi gang!!!" feeling.
hehe, yesterday i decided to lie down to recover. i never got up...
woke up with comp and lights still on and all. talk about escapist.
but i was also tired la.
today teengame rockclimbing.
yesterday helped them to settle the routes once and for all. went down at 10, went home at 6++. wah, many many hours spent there, not climbing la, but belaying and stuff.
but i did climb a bit, which dirtied my hands, which dirtied my wound, which made it heal faster! yay. so now my hand is more or less ok liao(actually it never was that bad la, just pain only).
but the other wound on my thigh is irritating. rubs agains my shorts when i sleep. which makes it painful when i sleep. but just tahan, it'll get better eventually.
ok time to go teengames..
i look at the list.
it is so overwhelming.
i need to lie down.
3 months later rise...
for the eighteen and a half years that i have lived, i thought i knew what crab was.
today i learnt that i was all wrong.
i didn't know what crab was.
all along, i have been eating mini crustacean-like creatures...that look like crab, but they were not crab.
what is crab?
the thing that is now swimming in my stomach. that is crab.
what it is swimming in is a mixture of chilli and pepper and snapple and tea and gelare gelato. i would think it is enjoying itself.
miscom with turtle(again the bane of technology and poor sentence construction) meant that bs was not at lcc's house at all!
which in turn meant that i could make it down early to east coast to eat hnin phyu's salary!(in the form of crab, of course)
dinner was wonderful!
made a mess of my shirt though. and some of my crab went swimming in my chinese tea. and some of the sauce got into my wound. ouch.
and dinner company wasn't confined to just est, och and hnin phyu,
we had the alaskan king crabs and the sea basses and the....geoducks...and crayfish and...garoupas and snow crab and essentially the rest of upper-class sea life!
after dinner, walk back to mac to eat gelare.
the moon was round tonight too. :)
reached gelare and there was a power trip! everywhere thrown into exciting!
from the outside it looked closed. but actually it wasn't lah. went in and went to the back to take a seat. passed this booth with a group of guys that mistook me for someone else(so funny, they were staring at me even til i left....I'M NOT GLENN LAH!). should've played along hor? oh well.
ordered a fantastic five...for the first time(in my life) cos it was my first time(in my life) there(hopefully not the last), and it was interesting to see how the staff coped with the blackout. no more electricity means can't cook. also means money transactions and calculations all had to be done manually. and actually it also meant that the ice cream should've melted faster(we should've gotten some kind of discount).
then we hear stories of GTO yet again. haha, students can be so cute.
after that then it was time to head home liao. the walk to the bus stop had GTO playing the role of phantom and christine concurrently. lol.
took bus home. and then walked.
my phone no more batt by then. heh...lucky you.
finally i reached my stop and alighted,
thus, concluding the evening.
a very enjoyable one at that.
my loyal steeds
i rode Hikari and stationed her by Shimmering Gale(i didn't bring her back yesterday) at east point.
after i came back from eh, i wondered if i should take them both home.
eventually i decided that i would do so.
thus, on my way back, Hikari was my lead steed and Shimmering Gale trailed along beside me.
i passed a group of youths along the way and they passed some comments about me. one guy shouted out,
"hey lend me one leh".
i don't know if he expected me to hear it. but i did. i ignored him tho.
should have said,
"go fly kite lah".
that was before i went up the first slope.
after that i hit the slope down...and down i went...
i was going pretty fast, and Shimmering Gale kinda got in front of Hikari(i think she is the faster of the two)
they clipped each other and i knew it was too late.
i had the "ok, i'm about to fall" feeling. and then i fell.
Hikari, off the path and into the ground by the side.
Shimmering Gale, went abit further with me. then hit the path in front of me.
Me, flew off, hit my side, and got dragged across the ground by my velocity.
my bag's still cool even after getting pulled along the floor. good bags are hard to find...
i got a couple of abrasions as a result. a bit of my right thigh got scratched pretty bad. my right hand's also got an open wound too...flappy skin.
got up, steadied myself.
Shimmering Gale was badly injured. she can't move her front leg. and her chain was not in place to...
Hikari was pretty much fine, save for the basket, which was dented quite badly.
now i need to think about how to get Shimmering Gale ok again....
dun care you~~~
heck it lah stupid msn.
i go and buy snapple and the moon is still full.
they better grow stronger.
my feet are wasted.
today met amos and daniel in the morning. those two so funny, always makes me smile when they talk simultaneously and expect me to hear both at the same time.
then went shopping with amos to look for a present for my dad. he talk alot of rubbish along the way. interesting.
next was to head down to east coast for the bbq.. xiong. play until super jialat(got such thing one sia)
we played soccer first. bare feet of course.
it was in some field beside the carpark = grass + stones.
lotsa trees = sticks + twigs + branches + fruit things.
waht all that means is that it was terrible for my feet. and i ran more cos my team alot of ginna.
then...ultimate frisbee in the same field. more pain. and sweat. and pain. and dirt. and pain. bare feet again.
then...some small relak passing pass frisbee ah, pass ball ah. lidat only. relax one.
then...up the pace...monkey...but i did little running cos was rarely the monkey.
then...more soccer. team tired liao. play in a bigger area. play in more thing on floor area. run more. pain more. still bare feet.
that was it after that. i cannot tahan liao.
the rest of the time consisted of largely sitting down, following mel around just in case, and soaking my feet in the sea. feets are more strenuous stuff for the time being then...