Born in the wrong era? No. There is no wrong era.
the best is yet to come
this is what i'd expect of a typical summer day in countries where they actually experience the four seasons...
being in a country like singapore however,
it's just a nice day to be indoors, where it's at home...topless.
it's a nice day to go out, but in comfy clothing with little barang barang whilst spending most of the time in the shade or in an air-conditioned in a shopping centre(preferably with lotsa money)
i'm very hungry so i'm gonna make me a sandwich...WITH THE NEW HAM AND CHEESE THAT I GOT LAST NIGHT!
i'm happy today cos i realised that my shichibukai didn't turn into rokubukai like the ball thought it did!
the ball kept saying that one of them died!
they are shichibukai lehhhhh. qiang until cannot qiang one.
1 of the three world powers lehhzzzzzz.
it's not dead! it's sleeping! one step closer to the next level liao...
ok. sandwich.
humans are foolish creatures.
we say things we don't mean and we do things that we don't want to. and sometimes it's just because of something as trivial as pride that we make such silly mistakes.
of course, to some, pride means all the world to them, but really, it does nobody any benefit when we are prideful.
alas, i am also human and am not exempt.
i am also prideful, foolish, and sometimes full of regret.
i want to avoid saying insensitive things that i don't mean.
when i do, in those times of folly, however, spout the nonsense that i am fully capable of, i can only ask that people be gracious and forgive me and be patient with me as i learn to be more humble.
i need a kick to the head sometimes, but i not flexible enough to reach my head.
or a flying kick to my head, but i can't detach my lower torso like buggy can...
so how...aiyah take the more painful route and figure out that i've done wrong loh!
chi, for a pretty smart guy i can be pretty dumb.
hide hide hide!
today got extra physics lesson in skool.
heh. 12 start, but then fong said that there'd be fire drill at 12.30.
so we supposed to assemble in hall when the alarm goes.
of course, we don't want to la.
so...we devised a plan!
after the bell goes, fong goes to mark attendance cos every teacher is to be accounted for and every student in skool is to be accounted for.
since our lesson is extra and somewhat(apparently) illegal also, we officially don't really exist in skool. so no need to mark. but being illegal, wardens(those teachers sent to make sure no students are "fried") aren't supposed to find us in class.
we lock the doors to the container class room, turn off the lights while fong leaves, and hide near the walls where the teachers can't see us when they peek in from the doors.
weeheeheehee. so exciting!
feel like war refugees hiding from raid parties.
while waiting for fong to come back, there was even someone who tried to open the doors! both the front and back door, but both were locked. haha, we all kept real quiet when the person tried to open the door. wanted so much to go and see who it was...but we scared!
then eventually, it passed and the person left.
we looked out the windows later and saw the teachers walking back.
coast was clear, back to our seats. fong came shortly after that...and fahmi with her.
turns out, FAHMI was the one trying to open the door! chey! so much for warden!
funny fahmi...waha. funny episode loh.
i won't be surprised if i find dead insects in my bag one day.
it's filthy.
at the bottom of the abyss that is my bag i think i can find scraps of food and paper that has been there for like forever liao.
very gross leh....but i still like my bag.
even though it's not been washed for years.
even though ever so often the zip malfunctions and i have to struggle to zip it back.
even though it's in a terrible state, what with the water proofing coming out, the small tears here and there from my rough handling, the frayed bits from prolonged use, and the generally falling-apart-ness.
despite all that!
it's still my trusty bag that has braved storms and falls and high altitude and battles and what nots with me!
soaked with rain, sweat, blood, tears, mucus, chilli sauce, coke, fish soup, mayonnaise...ya. you get the idea.
i've said before, i'll say again.
i will continue to use it until the day it can no longer be used. or until the day i can no longer use it.
cha cha! chacha! chilli chilli! CHACHA!
tonight got big moon!
later i wanna go to the roof and eat chilli cha cha and drink sng bueh zhui.
reminds me of one piece.
anyway, hence forth i'm gonna try and adopt luffy's perspective towards ghosts and all things spooky.
was sneezing alot at east point just now.
maybe i'm sick(or someone is thinking of me...?heh. dream on.)
haha, i laughed at myself when i sneezed consecutively until my saliva come out...and drop onto the floor. good thing got nobody around...
now is study break!
is supposed to be STUUUUDY brk. better be that.
if it becomes a stdy BREEEEEEAAK, i'm doomed for sure(if i not already am..)
then nowsaday the weather funny funny one lehzzz.
one part rain like free, then another part hot like anything. then got dark clouds suddenly. then suddenly disappear. then come back again. then pour like want to flood lidat, then stop abruptly. then sun come out become very humid. then after that got typhoon come out of no where...then suddenly snowstorm, then..(ok too kua zhang le).
but the weather weird jiu shi le.
and so we see how the world continues to feel the effects of sin..
it's raining.
and i didn't even notice.
how nice.
2 more periods of chem to go.
then i can finally get out of here.
i dun care. i'm gonna buy a combo 1 later.
what escapism?
just sugar-coating my crap loh.
lazy is lazy.
nothing else to it.
using english to make it sound better.
tick tock tick tock
morale slowly going down the drain..
now is maths tutorial. and i am in the library.
went to pang sai. then came here.
chi...really want to just sleep and forget everything.
been sleeping alot lately. heh. practical escapism ba.
back to dread then.
~alone. i wait in the shadows,
i count the hours til i can sleep,
i dreamed a dream...~
my old friend
we love the comfort of a quiet, solitary night.
we love the comfort of quiet.
we love the comfort of night.
we love the comfort of being alone.
where nobody hurts us and where we hurt nobody.
mr and mrs leong
my distant cousin married the brother of hossan leong. so now we're related.
socailly, my evening can largely be defined by the phrase, "aiyoooo. he looks so much like thien yew when he was younger!"
good thing i didn't have to talk much just now, didn't fee like either.
food was good tho. and extravagant. and expensive, no doubt. and i won't eat such food in a long while i reckon. and i ate alot.
tonnes of people turned up. 90 tables i heard. my table had 10 people. went up to 12 people per table. very possibly cost a bomb(nuclear one).
that's what happens when you know the whole world, your wife know the whole world, your parents know the whole world and your wife's parents know the whole world...and your wife's grandparents know the whole world also.
the whole world ends up coming.
got quite a bit of performances cos both the bride and groom and their relations all "musically-inclined".
and muscially-inclined indeed.
church youth group sang well.
uni buddy sing tao ze.
cousins sang trio.
bride's professional pianist friend play piano.
groom sang a surprise song.
and hossan leong sang songs from "aspects of love" and the "king and i" and played the piano at the same time.
talented people.
dad say my wedding have a magic show. lol. make the bills disappear.
of course there were those times when i had to say "hi" to me old relatives too. not that much did more catching up. phew.
those times when no food, no performance, no talking, no nothing...then it was ds to the rescue.
proved i made the right choice buying ff3 for the ball for his b'day gift. good game. classic addictive rpg worthy of the name "ff", as is expected from square.
hoho. play and play and eyes going to pop out liao.
met caderam and amandia too. caderam says that some of the girls in his uni class from my tk batch. hurhur. i don't know them but he says they know me. sorry, famous is lidat one(my dad i mean, those related share in his limelight(that's me)).
and caderam was high today.
"he buey paiseh one lehhh", his mom said.
"wah he gaga chiong take photo with everyone."
haha so funny.
as for ah kong. he also...buey paiseh.
two words: steady only.
anything he just gar gar go and take photo. his small camera vs other people $3000++++ camera also he dun care. haha. always lidat one.
so cool. next time i wanna be like that also.
off to wedding dinner.
can wear wonderful nice nice clothes.
and see relatives i've not seen in ages.
and eat wedding food that i've not eaten in a while.
so exciting.
i dun wan to go lah.
but i shall fulfil my responsibility as a son loh. and go. and eat. and talk. and smile...if i must.
at least it's raining and windy and nice and cool.
yesterday rain also.
it's those kind of days when u just feel like lazing around.
lie down, on music(preferably ballads by x-japan or jay chou and slow instrumentals), play game or read, doze off. shiok.
but now i must go...
underwear is uncountable noun...
when i try hard to write well in gp, i usually crash.
can be seen in most of my exam pieces. not sure if i've ever done well before.
when i write some essay that i deem terrible though, i end up doing well.
like the latest essay i wrote.
i started out with some ok ideas, but after a while i kinda lost focus and i didn't know what i was writing exactly.
finished it, skimmed through, and thought "this won't be graded well."
i was wrong. got it back and don't need to do second draft.
"just write like that and you'll be fine." was what conrad said.
that's pretty hard leh. write without knowing what you're writing...
maybe is cause the examiner cannot comprehend my complex argument. that's why i don't do well when i try to.
hurhurhur. ya right. probably the case only in a universe parallel to this ba.
anyway, i think i'm getting a better idea of how to do better liao ba...just see the next exam how loh. see if i can figure out what the examiner wants.
also, i realise that i am less affected by written grammatical errors than grammatical errors in a person's speech.
maybe it's cause i hear more bad english than i read.
and when it's the same mistake over and over and over again, each time the "poke" to my mind gets worse. "poke" cos it's not a shiver kind of feeling but there's a general uneasiness to my thoughts, yet it isn't to the extent of "irking" me.
when a certain form of a word ought to be used but is not. the word that i hear and the word that i expect to hear differs and that gives my mind a poke.
then...the worst thing is sometimes i can't do anything about it cos it's a speaker talking and i can't correct him nor can i leave the talk.
study leave has been reinstated.
good call esther.
i've learnt the art of surviving a day through skool without having to spend a cent!
step 1: eat whatever u can find at home before u go to skool.
step 2: bring bread.
step 3: eat bread when hungry(be sure to portion out the bread just so u dun run out)
step 4: Drink water after eating bread to expand whatever's in your stomach to lengthen time unhungry.
the best thing about this?
from the money i saved in skool today, i could buy me a combo 1 from long john!
happy eating as i took a slow walk home.
ahh. much happier than the lessons today...
gp was double period and i was in a terrible mood for gp.
asked to go toilet and went library along the way to surf the net...heh. went back a happier man. and in my absence he only covered one question from the compre! haven't finish going through even!
tomorrow is short day. woohoo.
time to sleep.
what could've been...
in that parallel universe i wrote about previously,
i would've ran away from the cops that night.
it would be the same at first,
would've turn right to siam them when they parked at the bus stop.
then when they turn in to stop me, i'd still wait for them to reverse and park the car.
but the moment they turn off the engines however, it's showtime!
i'll wait until they attempt to open the door.
then i'd zoom off towards the train track where they can't follow me by car.
go straight down the road, past the temple, turn right past the play ground then i'd turn into the path under the track. cycle with all my might.
i wonder if they'd be able to keep up then.
hoho...finally my chance to feel like a fugitive.
maybe if they did catch up with me, i'd jump into the longkang and start running. then i'd hide in some obscure corner and remain as quiet as i can.
so exciting. hey. it was about this time the other day that they caught me. hehe.
of course, in that parallel universe, skool doesn't exist, i own a pet panda, and singapore is part of the soviet union.
heh...wouldn't it be nice to have a pet panda? i'd name it "doskoi".
when ernest becomes glenn
some people believe in the existence of parallel universes.
i dun really see the big deal. as in, i'm not sure how it'll affect me even if they do exist.
by this time in the universe parallel to this,
i would have watched
1. hidden blade
2. transformers
3. the simpsons
4. secret
5. harry potter
and then shortly after, i would have watched
1. the bourne ulitmatum
2. american gangster
3. ratatouille
4. flash point
5. brave story
the ball's birthday today. uh, today ended 43 minutes ago.
some of the ppl from tfc came over to eat dinner with him. was alot more lively than usual. not used to the additional energy in the air. think my body won't be able to take it for extended durations.
anyway, i hope he enjoyed himself.
i believe in the power of the playstation.
i believe in the creativity of nitendo.
i believe in the genius of hideo kojima.
i believe in the genius of eiichiro oda.
i believe in the genius of shigeru miyamoto.
i believe in the pleasure of surprises.
i believe in the anticipation of waiting.
i believe in the pain of spoilers.
i believe in the chilli sauce of yu tang uncle.
i believe in the hum jin beng of hum jin beng uncle.
i believe in the street food of penang.
i believe in the food of japan.
i believe in the minimalism of slippers.
i believe in the supremacy of bare feet.
i believe in the practicality of black polyester shorts.
i believe in the comfort of white cotton shirts.
i believe in the dexterity of pen-spinning.
i believe in the fun of toys.
i believe in the nonsense of fun.
i believe in the wonder of the world.
i believe in sleeping.
i believe in composure.
i believe in cooking.
i believe in talking.
i believe in the necessity of playing.
i believe in the excellance of catching.
i believe in the finesse of climbing.
i believe in the grace of ballet.
i believe in the universality of music.
i believe in the diversity of language.
if anyone is in agreement with at least 75% of the above,
then i will call him comrade.
"where do you stay?"
when i'm happy enough to smile from my heart, it makes me happier.
but when i smile a smile that isn't entirely real, it bugs me. there are some people who can laugh at everything. true-honest-happy-smiles. thank God that such people exist. they make this place a brighter one.
faces like mine just dull it?
smooth ride to mac just now. barely any traffic and i had my mind to myself.
the ride back was smooth too.
heh. just that
two police officers stopped me along the way the way home. "spot-check".
ask for i/c, talk abit, got questioned, made some phone call.
the whole incident was just so classic.
haha, thanks for giving me an interesting evening.
oh great, can u believe it?
i forgot whether i had anything else to say.
sleepy time then.
my shichibukai are awake with me now too. hehe.
alot on my mind.
i dun like.
i need to think.
mcspicy to the rescue.
i am very weak.
ming came over yesterday with yang. been years since he came over. half a decade i think. but can still talk to him like just yesterday that we last met.
i cleared up the warzone today and i feel much happier.
went to mr lim's house just now. happy filming of mel! haha he's growing up soo fast... *tear*
i'm hungry....and i'm craving for something but i'm not sure what it is. i THINK it is chicken cutlet with minced garlic sauce, with sides of french fries and coleslaw. maybe i'll eat mac later to try and take it's place.
apparently my family's got a history of health problems like high blood pressure, colon cancer, diabetes and strokes. wonder if i'll have them too.
it's been very hot the past few days. i dun like so hot. this morning rain i very happy. but then it stopped and the temp went up again.
i feel like a great weight has been lifted off me. but i still feel heavy.
it's so cool to have a son.
it's interesting when i think about how emotions can "well up".
i've felt it on numerous occasions, and i find that expression very fitting. almost as if it's a literal description.
you feel like you wanna burst as the emotion "wells up" within you.
sometimes it's unbearable too. like you need an outlet to release all that's inside.
it can be during a show...makes me wanna "rawwrrrrrr!". sometimes it makes me tear.
or when something makes me very glad. this is slightly different from happy. when the gladness wells up, it usually expresses itself in a huge grin.
when the happiness wells up, it expresses itself more in bombastic, needless, crazy actions than in grins. i can be grinning at the same time though.
of course there are those times when the welling up is the painful sort. painful words or painful realisations. in those instances, i usually wish that i could scream. but i can't. all i can manage is heavy sighs.
which is the most common to me? the one i experience the most?
haha, i'm not sure.
right now i'm hungry cos i haven't had my dinner. a welling up of hunger.
think i'll make a pie.
someday the dream will end
there are those days where u barely speak a word.
nobody to talk to, or just not in a talky mood.
wouldn't it be nice just to lie down the whole day sometimes?
lie on the roof and stare at the clouds during the day and the stars during the night.
i couldn't find the moon tonight. but there were many stars.
there are many stars. there always are many stars. just that most of the time we don't see them all.
counted 50 plus stars in total.
it's kinda surreal when you look up and try and comprehend their reality.
all you see is a black expanse with shiny dots littered about. and it's always there.
always been there. for every single night of my life, they've always been there.
those dots in the sky.
i think i take it for granted. when you look up it's just so plain and bare. like a constant that we don't take notice of. it doesn't surprise us that it's there.
heh. am i rambling? not sure if i'm making any sense.
today, i came home and went straight to lalaland. listened to music.
floated between here and there.
i had a happy dream but i forgot what it was. i was awakened and i wanted to go back to see how it continued, but i couldn't.
green muk of happiness
no more terminator voice.
i'm now a fountian of phlegm tho.
spent a good five to ten mintutes clearing my head of phlegm just now in the toilet.
out from my nose and mouth...truly a sight to behold...and possibly one to puke at too.
now is just occasional coughs of new muk to spit out.
last bit to clear liao. haha, mop-up operation.
feels so good to see that lump of green slowly slide down the sink...
have i mentioned that i'm going to die?
had nasi padang today!
ta paoed from yu tang.
it had chicken drumstick. not curry chicken tho. it was something else, but spicy nonetheless. and i like it.
it also had achar! i like those pickled veggies. sweety-tangy-crunchy-ish. shiok.
now, all'd be fine if i stopped there. still not tipping the scales to life-threateningly unhealthy.
but everytime i buy nasi padang there, i always have three dishes. standard one.
you tell me man. what is nasi padang without quail eggs?!
must eat quail eggs!
and just look at those things! eat one where got enough?!
so small. so cute. so...not filling...if you just ate one.
so uncle give me five loh.
so i eat five loh. and i enjoyed every single one.
people say quail eggs more powerful than chicken eggs.
i wonder if they're right.
if they are, it simply means that the lunchish-breakfasty-tea-break-snack of mine that i enjoyed so much that was also the envy of all who laid eyes on it or whiffed a smell of it just shortened my life span by a couple of days.
i think i think too much.
or i think too late.
or i think too slowly.
and the worse thing is
i have much to think about.