Born in the wrong era? No. There is no wrong era.
the best is yet to come
a wonderful place
once upon a time, there existed in south east asia, the fishy island village of tunasek.
the inhabitants of the island were simple people. they played catching, climbed coconut trees, and ate fish. life then wasn't too complicating.
well, those days are long gone now.
somewhere along the course of time, some brits with big boats and bad fashion came and renamed the island sinatuna. still fishy abit, but things started changing rather quickly from then on.
fashion got worse and sinatuna become more populated.
a couple of years and a few wars later,
sinatuna became sianachore. a democratic(erm...democratic-but-not-really-so-democratic) state and the land of much work.
what happened to the brits?
oh they were pretty nice people, apart from the fact that they left sinatuna to fend for herself when it got whacked by the japs.
yup, the new democratic sianachore government was determined to make sure that sianachore never needed to rely on other people ever again for her defence.
things went on rather smoothly after that.
save for some instances of civil unrest, epidemics of fatal diseases, economic crashes and steadily progressed as it would for a country as small as sianachore...regular boring historical stuff having little relevance to the whole point of this tale.
in modern times, sianachore even considered herself to be doing quite well on the global scene.
for one thing, she was rich.
the leaders of the sianachore government(the same democratic-but-actually-not-so-democratic government that has been in power since sianachore became sianachore) thus decided to follow in the footsteps of another great democratic nation:
acrimea, the free land of much crime(a crime a day is acrimea's way!).
but how would sianachore follow in acrimea's footsteps?
well, sianachore wanted to be seen as acrimea was seen on the international scene:liberal! and open-mined! back to the roots of capitalistic(i.e. money-minded) democracy(-but-actually-not-so-democratic).
sianachore thus started to invest in fruit-shaped theatrical things, huge ferris wheels and fruit-machine-filled casinos (with a playground for kids and a shopping centre for wives). sianachore was updating herself!
no longer just the land of much work, it was time to embrace pleasure!
sianachore began to reinvent herself as sinsomore!
it worked! business improved and money went up up up!
more people were smiling! the citizens weren't too sure about the government's actions then, but when they saw the immediate results, they were all just so supportive of the government's wisdom.
her last pro-liberalism initiative was to legalise homosexual relations. well it did face some opposition in the beginning. but that was normal. the acting people's party was used to it. the same thing happened previously with the casino too, but eventually things went the acting people's party way(the money-minded way...the democratic-but-actually-not-so-democratic way).
five years have passed since, and sinsomore is as open as ever. they've even come to allow the possesion of firearms! just like acrimea decades ago! finally, sinsomore is catching up with its ideal...
however it seems that along with the smiles...the crime rate has also increased in the country.
families are more dysfunctional than ever. corruption has thoroughly permeated the business scene. domestic violence is on the rise. youth crimes have become more rampant and daring. the rich get richer(and lesser), and poor get poorer(and morer).
standards have been blurred.
morality has been discarded.
liberty is celebrated.
few people are very much happier. some people complain. most people couldn't care less.
any other person that bothers to think though, wonders...
"where did it all go wrong?"
oh the mystery of it all.
worth fighting for...
today on my way home with ks, we were talking abit about the homo issue.
something i've wondered is how much all this hooha will affect the regular layman.
i mean, if i were just a simple postman, going about my simple job of delivering the post to simple regular folks, earning my simple pay to support my simple family... then, will this homo law affect me much if it were altered?
not just this, of course.
will the casino affect me? what happens if ten more pop up?
will prostitution affect me, the simple postman? what if the area i live in gets turned into a red light district? what if i have a prositute for a neighbour?
how much of "my world" will change if all these things happen?
or will it not?
surrounded by 10 casinos, living in a house beside a prostitute's, and opposite a gay couple's, maybe i'll still lead a simple life delivering post?
yes, i know. christians still have the responsibility to defend God's standard of righteousness in a world that is slowly forgetting what it means to have "standards".
but i've come to question the impact such things will have on the regular lay man. someone who is straight, faithful, and not a compulsive gambler.
i thought that it won't really affect me that much. in the sense that i'll still get my job as a postman, still marry my wife, still live in the same house, still send my kids to a good skool, still ride my motorbike to deliver the mail.
there are bound to be others who hold this view too. probably many others.
people who have already, more or less, decided that they won't have anyhing to do with these things. or people who couldn't care less for however our country decided progress in such areas.
such people will stand by and watch as the government goes about implementing its changes slowly over time. they may laugh at silly campaigns, critcise ineffective ones or be completely oblivious to changes that don't concern them directly.
all in all, they will just continue to go about their daily lives, not giving much thought to such issues and adopting a spectator role to the whole silly mess.
how naive.
the ball not happy with me!
we were watching harry potty...goblet of fire.
harry fight with voldemort with wand power.
so cool when they cast fancy spells!
so i learn also loh...hehe
avada kedavra!
and with help from the ever-trusty wikipedia, i learnt even more spells..
EXPECTO PATRONUM(this is my favourite..but no link one..)
so, with my new found knowledge..i was spouting spells at the dinner table using a chopstick as my wand(it is actually a wand la..but i dun happen to want to kill my brother anytime soon using it seemed like my magic can't work. actually can one..)
my folks mocked me..say my spells dun work.
as for the ball tho..he was the recipient of most of my spells...and my repeated casting seemed to piss him off...
my last spell on him worked...confringo.
his anger exploded.
he took my wand and started poking me!
weak me fell to the floor as a result...
then my dad say him abit. then he say they say him never say me...(because my spells never work ma so nothing to say.)
then after that i dun feel like playing liao. chi.
eat finish and went back to doing maths.
nobody to cast spells on lidat if the ball dun wanna play!!
we all do silly things..i know..
on the way back home in ms lee's car.
we were passing by the old changkat changi secondary skool.
there's a bus stop beside it. bus 12 goes there.
and at that bus stop we saw two girls.
i think one of them was a maid.
and well, as we got closer we saw that the other girl was dancing.
dancing some really silly dance. like the...panda dance kind...of silly.
and so we stared at her.
we didn't glare or anything...just...stared. with curiosity.
she caught us staring.
and she stopped. and she looked at me.
and i continued to look at her. and she at me.
i told ms lee that she saw us stare at her.
we broke out laughing! hahaha.
"you humiliated her!" ms lee told me.
well...technically she humiliated herself. in front of us.
thanks for the laugh missy. heh.
there goes a good man.
this "morning"
(morning eh? u can call that morning huh? MORNING. like 4.30 IN THE MORNING)
mr ong and mr lim and turt and manyiu left for china.
and they'll prolly be back by fri or sat.
ms lee gave them a lift.
this morning
(i mean morning for regular humans now. like 8 am)
lee shyi dong(i'll just refer to him as lsd after this cos lee shyi dong is just too long and i am just too lazy to type that out. hey. isn't lsd some drug? like acid or something...ah anyway ya)
lsd, a good friend of mine, became...
recruit lee...scum of the earth.
and lsd won't be back until 2 years(ok lah 1 year 10 months) later.
but some of us still managed to catch him as lsd before the great transformation!
ms lee and me ate our last macdonald breakfast with lsd before lsd went in.
then. est and gel and hnin phyu and terror all came to say bye bye also.
finally lsd went to take the bus and boat to tekong with his mother and sister and est and gel cos christine couldn't make it at the last minute.
and before that lsd finally understood what the word "oblivious" means.
we gave him a card that had a pic that the team took with him and we were all CELEBRATING!
behind his back of course.
haha. he just smiled normally not realising how funny the situation was.
aiyah but i missed the look on his face when he saw it cos mr smellyactivebowels here had to go to the toilet for some important stuff. sian.
after that we took a few more pictures(some silly ones) using xiao du's cam and est's cam. both of which are 10 megapix. can see all our pimples. and black heads(but i dun have! hehe. nenene!)
and then.
it was good bye.
fare thee well mine chum.
heh. here's the one of the pics we took that lsd was oblivious to until today.
do we realise it!? note: spoilers and ramblings.
saw se7en.
as a's brilliant.
tight acting. good plot. nice twists. apt music. superb direction.
and of course. full of thought.
heh....i wanna watch it again.
(ramblings start from here. some effort has been put in to try and organise my thoughts, but at some points i think i'm just going on and on and on(possibly without making much sense)...too many things to talk about la...and definitely not comprehensive also. likely to have misinterpreted too...i wish i could write exhaustively on these shows..but i dun have the time, and i think my brain can't handle it ba..)(heh. end of disclaimer)
like fight club, this show was disturbing and dark.
unlike fight club though, this show was rather believable.
fight club was too fantastic liao. but possible..
i mean if zodiac happened, then i think se7en could happen too.
if i could, i'd watch se7en and fight club again and compare the shows abit more.
still, while both are shows, i think they serve as very sharp commentaries on certain perspectives that society in general holds.
fight club...i can't remember...but i think it showed that if man gave up his "humanity" and became "basic" or "primal", having no regard for his conscience or the law, it would result in anarchy...whose consequences are dire. and it can drive one to question why we are not like that yet..the show may have its own answer to that, but i don't remember. very terrifying to see what would happen if everybody did as he "saw fit".
se7en...i think touched on the moral apathy so prevalent in society today. the seven sins that everybody tolerated, john doe held in utter disgust. and somerset was aware of it too. and he couldn't stand it, tracy also.
another thing was that it showed how evil man was.
first, that a man was responsible for all the crimes...not the devil..
and mills snapped at the last bit. mills, who barely used his gun even during his 5 years at homicide, emptied it in john doe. just like that.
kinda like what doe predicted mills would do if they were in a room alone and there were no consequences to mills' actions. even doe, who condemned all those sins, knew that he too was guilty of sin. and he punished himself for it.
whatever was intended in the shows, i'll write more about it next time la. maybe.
the thing that is more pressing in my mind is actually...the darknes of the human heart.
because...however fictional fight club and se7en may be, we must realise that these were conceived in the minds of men.
to think..some regular guy like me(ok not "like me" la..i know i strugglng to clear my a's..but i mean some normal human) could've thought of such twisted murders and's disturbing?
those murders never happened in reality. that warped thinking presented in fight club is an extreme of what exists today.
but man is capable of imagining such evil.
not the "devil".
i am a "mere" man.
and i am capable that.
i know i am.
and if there were no consequences to such actions.
we might actually have witnessed more of such things today. we might actually have been responsible for such crimes.
if there was no Law to protect man from himself. no hand of God to restrain evil.
...this would be hell.
and the worst thing is...we don't realise it.
and the best thing...
the most unbelieveably-unbelieveable-but-still-true-despite-all-that thing...
that loving God chose to save us.
rotten sinners.
chose to save me.
rotten sinner.
tubby funny entires! :)
super duper happy.
why am i so happy?
hehe.(enough of caps)
ate 5 proper popiah then everytime the juice spill onto the plate i use 1 new skin to wipe up the juice and eat it! heh. no wasteage!
then eat finish. i drank up whatever was left of the coke straight from the bottle!
then!!! to end it all off, i plop one sng bueh into my mouth and eat it with ice!
the seed still in my mouth now. it's getting darker...gonna rain. WOOHOO!
listening to the timbaland song i downloaded last night: "The Way I Are"
"i like u just the the waaaay u are~~~"
thumpy bass....
feel. like. dancing!
(i break out into fits every now and then...but only when i'm alone! hiak)
food...wonderful...(ahh! gluttony?!)
found kuitan season 1 on youtube. waha. cool show.
solve crimes by food! (i dun mind doing that for a living)
watched while i ate. maybe i ate more cos of the show...
oops. i oughta study hor?
but the music so groovy...and i so full...and the weather so nice...and my bed so soft...and my eyelids so heavy...
(haha, i will la! after i relax for a while longer...)
i can imagine it happening in future.
i'll be in a carpark looking for my car.
can't find it.
"i must have forgotten to lock the doors!"
"i left the key inside!"
"i shouldn't have parked at this uluu place!"
"ahhhhh i never thought they'd tow my car away after 4 hours!!"
then i'll break down and cry.
"dad, what are we doing in the carpark? didn't we walk today?"
"AH! silly me."
didn't drive. haha.
last thurs to sat was area retreat.
didn't want to stay out too long so i only joined them for the nights and only stayed over on friday.
i'm glad i went for the nights.
am also glad that i went for the rest of the program too.
continued to learn more about other people in the area during this retreat.
here's some of the things that happened in the retreat...
the girls all scared cockroach.
haha. there was one mando kachua that terrorised them it seems.
ms lee tried to kill it but all that resulted from that was a bunch of screaming girls that flinched at every sign of the slightest movement.
this led to yvonne telling her cockroach story for the nth time liao.
her very-exaggerated-but-never-loses-its-vigour-despite-its-numerous-re-tellings accounts of how insects all over the world are out to get her.
the kachua is still alive right now i believe. heh.
and! in this retreat i realise that alot of people DON'T CLOSE DOORS.
everytime someone walks in or out of the white room, they forget to CLOSE THE DOOR.
even if the air-con on also they STILL FORGET.
waaaahhhh. drove me nuts. had to keep telling people to CLOSE THE DOOR.
i dun get it loh. what's so hard about just turning around to close the door?
is it some habit thing that they all lack? like i've been brought up to have doors closed when air con is on lidat.
at least they have the habit of closing toilet doors tho. :X
haiii. next time my kids also better learn to close doors when the air con is on.
the night i stayed over, i stayed up to do chem work.
ms lee stayed up for quite a bit too to mark exam scripts.
heh. had a good laugh at some of the students' answers. really ridiculous loh...
e.g. plants convert WATER energy into WIND energy. wah seh. more than 10 people gave this answer...
their english also terrible. haii. makes me wonder about the effectiveness of singapore's english education system.(and the quality of it also..)
basic grammar and spelling cannot make it loh. even interpretation of questions also jialat...
makes me wanna go improve my english and do something about it..
but alas...still must get over this alevel thing first.
had a terribly unhealthy diet when i was there too.
thurs night, i only joined them for supper: fish ball mee pok dry + hokkien mee + cheng tng.
fri was dinner and supper: steam boat dinner with lotsa tom yam soup(flows through my veins along with ribena) followed by bubble tea and supper was roti prata teloh and kosong from simpang.
sat morning was basically deep fried stuff for breakfast: hum jin beng(no fight with maxwell of course) and you char kueh and chee kueh and some healthy soya bean drink.
lunch was kallang bbq! woohoo.
good thing i had to go church after that. if not i would've stayed for the bbq in the evening... but not much diff hor? i still went church and stuffed my face with pizza...
sat night my chest hurt a bit whenever i inhaled. somehow, i think it may be related to my diet.
then there was that afternoon that was a major downloading session on sat.
download stuff from mr lim's brain into our's. he was right though, some things we already knew(or at least i already knew), but still the session was there to speak to our heart...
he tried to answer 8 questions in 2 hours. modified abit in the end and stopped at question 6 which was fine too.
used lotsa videos to bring the point across. some were funny, some were rather emo.
but i think all in all they were clear in their message. some leave quite a deep impression.
like the video that talked about actually sincerely wanting to know a person.
that one quite emo.
it basically showed a couple of emo youths firing rapid questions at the camera as the camera moved from youth to youth. questions that made it seem as though these youths were completely dis-interested in talking, or held a very cynical view towards conversations. felt very teenage angsty with them saying how people didn't really know what they were going through.
they talked about some of the feelings they got when people asked them questions. how they didn't like it when people asked questions they already knew the answer to.
or how people asked questions they didn't realy want to know the answer to. or how people accepted answers at face value without "listening with their eyes"...and so on and so forth.
the punch came at the last bit.
camera went through the entire group of youths once more with them saying something along the lines of
"once you've gotten over that..."
(referring to all that was mentioned previously)
*youths smile*
"i'll talk your ear off"
wah! power. i think is true loh. gotta be real to a person to really get to know him and he you. that means asking questions you really want to know the answer to and not just superficial questions...something i am guilty of i think.
gotta ask real questions! and can't be so "interrogative"?
hehe. very cool videos.
ok. just now talk about food i hungry liao.
time to eat!
retreat was good.
my leaves me...
i don't like feeling internal pains.
(lol. who does? i make stupid comments)
erm, i mean if is external bruises and cuts then pain then ok la. the pain is pain loh. but in some warped, twisted's kind of...
"i like~~~" lidat. like very cool to tahan external injuries lidat. (stupid hor?)
but internal pains. ugh. the worst.
anything from headaches to neck aches to chest pains to back aches to stomach aches to ear pains to nose pains to eye pains to mouth pain.
worst because firstly,
i dunno what they're caused by. (also means they come without warning)
dog bite my hand. my hand pain. makes sense.
car bang into me. my body broken. got blood. cannot stand straight. pain. ok. makes sense.
i eat very fast. eat so fast i bite my hand. tastes bad. hand pain. makes sense.
but internal stuff. from where one!?
walk walk walk. suddenly...stomach ache. sian.
sit down use computer. suddenly...chest pain. sian.
coming home on bus. suddenly...headache. sian.
i also dunno why got such thing loh. haiii. is this a bad sign?
then also,
i dunno what to do about them. this is also cos i dunno how come pain. can only guess.
at least kena cut then dun let it get wet loh.
got bruise then don't touch loh.
broken bone then don't play soccer la.
but stomach ache then how? do nothing also still pain. take immodium. still pain. pcy. still pain. panadol. still pain. chi.
or headache and neck aches? the worst. nagging pains that don't go away and hurt when you move. ok sorry. not the worst. ear pains were really killer(GOOD THING NO MORE).
then somemore inside best is dun play play la ah?
outside pain put wrong medicine...worst case scenario is no more outside loh.
erm. if i treat my hand wrongly then maybe worst thing is i no hand loh.
still can survive la.
but inside. you don't know what is happening. unless u got bionic eye like jamesy.
which i don't. i got sleepy eye. and eczema eye(hai hai will treat la la la).
so if u treat wrongly and got complications...will be way worse than complications on outside. i cannot no heart you know? or no stomach. or no brain(but wun affect my grades THAT much la this one).
dong say panadol is the cure to everything.
utter rubbish.
sng buey then is the cure to everything la.
i rarely eat panadol actually. i think my entire life i eat less than 10 panadol.
if pain then i think the best thing to do is sleep. unless pain is because sleep too much. then sleep will just make things worse(duh).
my health is on the decline la.
i still get my occasional chest pains. which could be due to my posture. or the dormant new sars strain inside me. one or the other.
my body like over the years more and more nonsense.
and my diet also.
if i can say my dad about his health now ah.
i think next time my son want to say also cannot say. i die liao.
see the kind of junk i eat now time really only eat vege and drink water.
today i survived entirely on processed food.
thai tom yam bowl noodles in the afternoon(oh no, i only got 1 left!!!), 2 retoro sweet drops, 2 sng buey, whatever was left of my vanilla coke, and then i slept past dinner to wake up at night to eat pizza. those put in oven and heat kind.
ah. natural food have! i had one apple after my sng buey.
doesn't count for much hor...
i feel weak...i go lie down and recover my strength la...
in His time.
these past 2 days have convinced me that things have changed.
the dream is finally coming to an end ahhh. haha.
maybe i waking up liao. to the reality of things.
or maybe i become more jaded.
but anyway, nothing wrong with this la ah? important thing is accountable to God.
but that is also the "harder" thing.
in the first place i look at myself and already am amazed that i'm even in all of this. really born in the wrong era loh. haha!
no la. no such thing.:X
i'm glad for the "realer" friends that i've come to know these 19 years(almost la) of my life.
some i lost contact liao. but i still got memories of them.
but is nice to know that even after so long, there are people out there who will call me their "friend"
thank you thank you this kind of obiang smelly loser also accept as a friend!
people like bob and phua and pom and cheng lin and chamcham and hj even...
i dun keep up with them that much also...they still keep up with me!
i not crying la!
when bob still dun mind meeting up and playing.
or cheng lin ask me for birthday.
or i go on date with cham cham and phua(we not brokeback ok..)
or even just now with pom. so long dun meet then just see each other again.
still can talk like regular friends. though we dunno alot f thingsla, but that basic friendship there liao. can slowly catch up and dun feel awkward one.
but i think good thing about pom is he humble la.
that's why eve easier to talk to him. unassuming de. reminds me alot of chinks. that same kind of self-minimising even though they so power...
happy to know such people.
i've a long way to go to be like them la...
i am obiang smelly loser mah. and i calculative also. hehe.
cannot le.
was a mistake right from the start.
i should've known that i shouldn't even have tried.
doomed to failure from the beginning.
so now i...dunno what to do.
i suspect that this "study" thing has greatly affected me physically.
my weight has increased by almost 2 kg.
my muscles are way 1/3 my previous pull-up strength.
am certain that my stamina would have decreased by leaps and bounds too.
my eczema is bugging me more.
my sleep hasn't been as good also...neckaches and whatnots.
i've been sneezing more the past few days also(and i'm quite sure it's not because 某某人 has been thinking of me)
got a headache now and the heat isn't helping.
and then i get these itches here and there. more than usual.
arrr... and ulcers, i got 2. the worst.
yes. by logical deduction, i attribute all these to my "studying".
it would bother me less if my "studying" actually got me better grades though...
it makes perfect sense.
quite probably the only reason why i'm not dead yet is because i've been eating more thai tom yam bowl noodles. and there's been less skool also.
if not then very likely i would've dropped dead on the street while walking home liao.
just a while more then...
oh where oh where could they be!?
i still only see four of my shichibukai!
what happened to the other three!?
one is the beatle, mihawk.
one is the mealworm still. this one i think i call crocodile la.
two are morphing liao. at the same time! i gonna call them dolflamingo and kuma!
i think my shichibukai hate me loh...
mihawk whole life try to climb out and zhao!
maybe the other three manage to escape?!
that or they die liao....(i hope this isn't the case!)
maybe they starve to death and then kena eaten by the other four..
or they try and climb out(them too!) and then kena eaten by lizard.
or they managed to climb out and run away..
or they hiding. please be hiding...
i think tomorrow i'll change the soil. then can go and count how many there are... kids hate me.
a precursor of what's to come!?
someday eh?
talked to jamesy about the mission trip today.
sounds like it was good for him.
says that he learnt alot from this trip. about how things are like over there and also about the mission team.
am glad for him.
never see ong so 'relaxed' huh? haha. that's when he's his craziest loh.
and he calls hsing joo lame also. say she very lame leh.
he says that he'd like to go again if he had the chance. tells me that i should go too.
yesyes. i very well intend to la.
but wouldn't it be so funny if, for all that i wish to go, i never get the chance to?
cos that possibility is ever present ah. maybe i die before i get to go. or maybe the place gets closed out to me. or maybe when i can finally go, something crops up and then i can't go. or something la. i also dunno.
see after a's if can go loh. i wanna go see wordplace. heard abit from soo li, but stll dunno what it's like...
k.i.v ah...
halo 3
after saying "hullo" to the mission team when they came back on saturday, i went over to bob's house to waste time until we would head down to chenglin's house.
and waste time we did.
played halo 3 at his place.
wah. quite fun leh.
did nonsensical stuff in multiplayer against each other. got more accustomed to the controls during that time tho.
we tried all the different weapons and vehicles in forge mode. then also did stupid things like racing and dog-fighting and blowing up stuff.
then we played co-op campaign. heh. super fun.
unlimited tries so can die and respawn and die and respawn and die and respawn and...ya. like that.
got alot of cool features.
go near can whack them with your weapon.
if is single-handed weapon can hold two guns! left trigger to fire left gun, right trigger to fire right gun. genius!
then got quite a couple of extra tools or something(dunno what they're called). but didn't get to really use those cos i not proficient enough to handle them.
but can throw grenades tho and that was cool.
then one part is must drive the warthog. woohoo. one person drives and the other mans the turret. then we take turns to swop. wahaha. driving very fun. then can langa the bad guys also.
played for quite a while before we ate abit and left for chenglin's place.
still, i dunno much about the story, and i'm not too keen about fps on consoles. so of course it won't take up much space in my heart. i like the co-op feature the most ba. and also, it's on the 360, which is last on my console esteem-list, so i won't thnk too much of it. am an mgs guy la. until the day i die. :)
is like that loh
sometimes people laugh at my jokes, so i guess that means that some of my jokes are funny.
people laugh at me too. that might make me a pretty funny guy.
there are times when it isn't even a joke. i could just make a passing remark and others could laugh at it.
or maybe i just happen to be among people who are easily amused.
like wj or milo.
they laugh at all sorts of things.
i hope people don't expect me to be funny though. cos sometimes i'm not.
i don't always have a "witty remark" or a "quick reply to insults", and others might think that something is wrong with me. maybe i'm thinking too much into it. but i do hope nobody compares me with others and thinks that i'm a funny man of some sort.
that's when it getes tiring.
when people have a certain impression of you(which may not be entirely true) and you know about it. sometimes i want to make people happy. want to see them laugh or smile. then i try and be funny. and sometimes they laugh. but to try and be someone i'm not is a tiring thing.
like when i have to be "youthful" around kids or something like that. to be entertaining 24/7 is a very hard thing to do.
that's why it's best when i can comfortably be myself and not worry about having to make other people feel comfortable too.
i only dunno how many people there are around me that are like that.